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Plughoff and Wiseman Drive Car From San Francisco in 25 Hours and 5 Minutes.

A. D. Plughoff and F. J. Wiseman have just returned from a trip to Eureka, which they made in a Reo car.  The motorists say that the trip to Eureka is a very hard one, but that the many beautiful spots along the road make it worth while.

Plughoff gives the following description of the trip:

We left San Francisco on the 11:55 boat, getting our time card signed by the ticket agent.  Arriving at Sausalito, we started out through the fog which was so thick we could hardly see ten feet ahead.  We struck a god road and kept up speed of about twenty miles an hour, but did not commence to go fast until we struck Petaluma.  In going through the town of Santa Rosa the fog was so thick that it was just like going into a tunnel.

This kept up until we came to Cloverdale, and by that time we were wet to the skin.  From Cloverdale, to Ukiah, we hit some very bad roads, but the fog had raised by this time and we were able to pull into Ukiah in good time.  We took on gasoline there and had breakfast.

From Ukiah north, the roads were not sprinkled and there had been some very heavy teaming, and we could not average over twelve miles an hour.  The dust was up to the hubs at times, and the chuch holes were severe.  It was from here that we got our first taste of mountains, and all the way almost up to Willits, we were going either up or down big grades.  Leaving Willitts we had to make a sharp turn and began climbing a four mile hill and from here to Laytonville the road is very bad and full of steep pitches.  At Laytonville, 

[[image - four photographs of man driving a car]]
[[caption]] Scenes on the roads over which A. D. Plughoff and F. J. Wiseman drove a Reo car from San Francisco to Eureka in 25 hours and 5 minutes. [[/caption]]
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Santa Rosan Makes Best Lap Record in Great Automobile Drive in Indiana Yesterday

Fred J. Wiseman, the Santa Rosa boy, won fourth place in the great automobile race at Crown Point, Indiana, yesterday.  This is considered a fine record, considering that he drove the smallest car the Stoddard-Dayton make, a 25-horsepower.

But for engine trouble during the memorable race Wiseman would have done better, according to a telegram received in this city last night.  As it was he made the record lap.

Wiseman is expected to drive again today in the Cobe cup race, taking Englebacks place for the last two hundred miles.  He recently demonstrated his ability to round corners at the rate of sixty miles an hour, while Engleback's time was fifty.

Don C. Prentiss received a telegraph from Wiseman last night telling him of the result of the great race.  The cars finished as follows:

Chalmers-Detroit, 1;  Locomobile, 2;  Marion, 3;  Stoddard-Dayton, 4.  The distance was 236 miles.
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Signal honors have come to Fred Wiseman, the clever California boy, who has brought fame to himself and the Stoddard-Dayton car through his many victories on track and road during the last couple of seasons.  The Eastern factories have been watching his remarkable success with interest, and yesterday J. W. Leavitt of the local Stoddard agency received a telegram from the Stoddard-Dayton factory at Dayton, O., asking if he would loan Wiseman to the factory to handle the Stoddard-Dayton car in the Cobe stock-car race, which is soon to be held under the management of the Chicago Automobile Club, and which promises to be one of the greatest races ever held in this country.  Leavitt said yesterday that it was probable that Wiseman would make the trip.

In spite of the published reports to the contrary, neither Wiseman nor Peters, his mechanic, was seriously injured in the wreck of their car at San Jose on Sunday morning.  Both of the men arrived in the city yesterday "under their own horse-power," as Leavitt remarked, little the worse for their experience.  Later in the day both of the men left for Santa Rosa, where they will spend a few days at the home of Wiseman's relatives.  They will then return to their work in this city.
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