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young girls from an [[]] school will stand next to a group of washerwomen on the lookout for Christmas presents, and Government clerks from every department will drop in to watch the fun. A portly looking colored woman last month bid in six boxes of white face powder and seemed far better satisfied with her bargain than did the bashful-looking young man who turned rosy red as he undid a bundle of lingerie.

Dead Letter Museum.
There are always a number of Bibles to be sold and these are in great demand, especially by the colored people who believe that they will bring good luck. The origin of this superstition is the story that at one of the earliest auctions a woman bought a Bible for a few cents and found $200 in bills pinned inside the book.
Articles that are unusually curious or unique are preserved in the Dead Letter Museum. Several times live things have been found in the mail. The
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[[]]ly and then the whole package was mailed with no address. The old folks perhaps are grieving over the thought that they have been forgotten, and the girl is wondering why they are unacknowledged.
Each year thousands of letters come [[]]
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Backed By Your Leading Druggist.

If you have any kind of piles, get a box of Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid at Fisher & Pellerano's, 35 South First street, and druggists everywhere on the money-back plan.
Hem-Roid is made from Dr. Leon-Hardt's own prescription-a tablet remedy, taken internally and cures thoroughly by removing the internal cause of piles, something that suppositories, ointments or cutting operations will not do.
$1 for large bottle which lasts 24 days. Dr. Leonhardt Co., Station B