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^[[Wen. Daily Report 6/1]]
Page Eight

All His Earnings Go into Experiments in New Flying Machines, Says Aviator Fred J. Wiseman.

Only Natural It Should Be Small, Declares Man Who Will Fly Here Next Saturday and Sunday.

SEATTLE, June 1. – "It is not surprising that Ralph Johnson left so small an estate," said Fred J. Wiseman, in discussing the income of an aviator.  "An aviator spends as much money as he makes in experimenting on now machines and new parts designed to get the most rising and propelling power with the least possible power.  The machine I am using now represents an investment of $7,500, and I have two others.  Mine is not really a Curtiss machine;  it is a Curtiss-Farman-Wright."

Recently, Wiseman, who is to make flights in Wenatchee next Saturday and Sunday, was in Santa Clara, Cal., and the aviator had expected to study the aeronautic devices contrived by Professor J. J. Montgomery, of that city.  Professor Montgomery was not in Santa Clara at the time, however, and Wiseman was not permitted to look over the mechanical treasures in his work room.  Wiseman and Professor Montgomery are acquaintances, and it is expected that the aviator will test some propellors on a new device Montgomery has for gauging the pulling of propellors.

"I want to find how much talk-effort there is when you have two propellors pulling against each other," said Wiseman, by way of a pun.

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Tickets for Grand Stand Seats for Aviation Meet and Ball Game Will Be Only $1.00 for Double Event.

Arrangements Have Been Concluded by Which Citizens Can Witness Two Interesting Performances.

Satisfactory arrangements were made yesterday for the holding of the baseball game between Wenatchee and Snohomish and the aviation meet Sunday afternoon, the aviation meet being held first, at 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon and the baseball game starting promptly at 3:30 o'clock.  This will be the second and last day of the aviation meet, and the first game of a series of three between Snohomish and Wenatchee to be played Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, June 4, 5 and 6, and this series will undoubtedly be the most closely contested ever seen on the local grounds.

Combination Ticket

A combination ticket will be issued for which a charge of $1 will be made, and this will admit the holder to the grandstand for the aviation meet and for the ball game on Sunday afternoon.  A combination ticket for 75 cents will also be issued, which will admit the holder to the aviation flight and to a bleacher seat at the ball game.  A ticket for the single admission to the bleachers for the ball game or the field for the aviation meet may be purchased if so desired, but no single tickets will be sold Sunday for seats in the grandstand for either the aviation meet or the ball game.  All grandstand tickets on that day will be $1 for adults and will admit the holders to both events.

Place for Autos

In addition to these arrangements a place will be provided where automobiles may be parked in a convenient position for the aviation flights and for the ball game, and a charge will be made for this room and for each occupant of the machine who may remain in the car or go into the grandstand or bleachers as desired.

A new man by the name of Dye has been procured to fill the position at shortstop on the Wenatchee team, and he comes here with a very good reputation as a ball player.  Arrangements are also being completed for a man to fill the position vacated by Quigley at second and one will be here for the series with Snohomish.