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Program, Which Includes Aviation by Wiseman, Will Start July 1, and Continue Until July 5. 

[Special Dispatch to The Journal]
PIZMO BEACH, Cal., June 29.-

The famous aviator, Fred J. Wiseman, will fly at Pizmo Beach July 2 and 4. Wiseman has just completed a very successful tour of the northwest and British Columbia. It is absolutely guaranteed that he will fly.

The celebration of Independence day starts here July 1. There will be music, dancing, skating, bathing, fishing, boating and a grand display of fireworks. Excursions will be run on all railroads and there will be ample accommodations for a tremendous crowd.
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Always in the lead for the best attractions obtainable, the Novelty theater last evening put a picture of the aviator and his flying machine at El Pizmo on the screen within two hours after the flight was made.

The pictures were received enthusiastically by the big audience and Manager Walker was highly commended by his many patrons for his enterprise and untiring efforts to please the public.
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A large crowd made the trip from this city to El Pizmo beach yesterday to enjoy an outing on the sands and witness the flights made by Fred Wiseman, the noted San Jose aviator. In spite of the fact that his biplane arrived here in a damaged condition, Mr. Wiseman have several splendid flights, which were a real pleasure and surprise to the people who remember the aerial fiasco which occurred in this city on Fourth of July last.

the biplane's machinery was broken in being transported to the beach, but being unwilling to disappoint the crowd, the aviator and his mechanicians set to work and repaired it in remarkable quick time. The machine did not arrive in San Luis Obispo until five o'clock on Sunday morning.

The flights made were of a most spectacular order. On his first flight Mr. Wiseman sailed gracefully back and forth along the shore, showing perfect control of his machine, in turning, etc., and then rose and soared out of sight and off to Oceano. In returning he made the trip from Oceano to Pizmo in the remarkably quick time of two and one half minutes, at a rate of more than one mile a minute, although the aviator states that he did not have his engine entirely open at the time. He was in the air altogether fifteen minutes on the first flight.

The second flight was even more spectacular than the first. Mr. Wiseman went straight out over the sea, in a spending flight aloft in which he broke a world's record for rapid climbing, his machine rising at a remarkably acute angle. In descending he made a straight dive for the waters, which showed perfect control of the biplane, and then skimmed back and forth over the breakers at a low altitude above the sea. After ten minutes he came in and alighted on the beach.

The large crowds who watched the daring bird-man from the shore were greatly impressed and thrilled by his exhibitions, and flattering compliments for Mr. Wiseman were heard on all sides. The aviator himself states that his exhibitions yesterday were simply to give the public a taste of what he will do on the fourth, and that his flights tomorrow will be far eclipse all his previous efforts here.  Judging from the favorable comments heard today in regard to the aviator, there will be a large crowd in attendance from this city tomorrow.

Dancing also formed a pleasurable feature of the day at the beach yesterday. Tomorrow there will be an oration by Hon. Warren M. John of this city, music by the San Luis Military band, fireworks, dancing and the flights of the birdman.
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^[[SLO Tribune]]
Wiseman Shows he is a Live Wire in the Air

Fred J. Wiseman showed the people who were fortunate in being at the beach at El Pizmo Sunday afternoon what a real aviator is and put an absolute end to all the doubts and skepticism about the success of the Pizmo Aviation exhibitions. He quelled the skeptic with the first turn of the propeller of the biplane. No preliminaries were necessary with him. When the time for flight arrived he started the motor, gave it the customary turning, took his seat and flew. Yes, actually flew, giving the people of San Luis Obispo and those who were there from the surrounding country their first real view of a real flying machine in flight.

On the first flight Wiseman's plane speeded along the ground before taking to the air, when he turned his elevator skyward and the machine left the ground, the large crowd cheered with delight. To them the unexpected had happened. The problem with  many was how the El Pizmo Resort Company could afford the great expense of a genuine birdman, but they were shown. Wiseman flew to a point opposite the north end of the beach, made a graceful turn over the ocean and soared back over the heads of the people, waving to them as he passed and in turn received many a hearty cheer.

The famous aviator travelled back and forth in the upper air strata above the beach completing his first fight by trip to Oceano and return. The return leg of the Oceano-trip was made in the remarkable time of two and a half minutes. It was claimed by some that the distance was four miles which would make Wiseman's speed 96 miles per hour, but he said it could not be over three miles as he did not have his engine wide open and could not have been going fast. At three miles the speed would be 72 miles an hour.
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