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Cruel! Kowalsky Kept Awake Shifty Shadow Slays Slumber
Colonel Trailed by Pinkerton Man in Connection With Baldwin Case.
And now Colonel Henry I. Kowalsky, champion sleeper, once adviser for and confidant of the late King Leopold, has a shadow. He has complained to Police Judge Shortall about it. Colonel Kowalsky called on Police [[obstructed]]dge Shortall at the Hall of Justice [[obstructed]]terday morning along with his [[obstructed]]dow. The shadow was under ar-[[obstructed]] He gave the name of Charles uire and said that he was em[[obstructed]]d by the Pinkertons for the ex[[obstructed]] purpose of trailing the colonel. [[obstructed]]at for?" asked Colonel Kowalsky, [[obstructed]] in blazes do they want you to [[obstructed]] me for?"

[[obstructed]]on't know," said Maguite. "They [[obstructed]]Follow him. See where he goes [[obstructed]] n't let him out of your sight.'"
[[obstructed]]'ll put this matter over until [[obstructed]]y," siad the court.
[[obstructed]] episode in court lasted less than [[obstructed]] minutes. Colonel Kowalsky was

[[cartoon of three figures behind a door with a speech bubble reading "HERE HE COMES"]]

[[cartoon of a ballon man with caption "WHY NOT DISGUISE HIMSELF AS A BALLOON"]]

so excited that he was wide awake.

Later inquiry developed the fact that Colonel Kowalsky is being shadowed because he has something or other to do with the Baldwin will contest in Los Angeles.

That he was being trailed first occurred to Kowalsky three days ago. Maguire was watching him eat his breakfast in the cafe of the Palace hotel. . Colonel Kowalsky though nothing of that. Others had seen him at his food, which he takes frequently. An hour later down the street, however, he noticed the same man waiting at the entrance of a building when he came out.

Colonel Kowalsky became nervous. He couldn't sleep. He decided that he would find out for sure if he was being trailed. He spent Sunday dodging around corners and lying in wait--not a nap the whole day. It was as he expected. The shadow always showed up about a minute behind him just as a good shadow should show up.

The more Colonel Kowalsky thought it over the madder he got. At the Ferry building Snday night he concluded to put a stop to it. He called Policeman Otson, pointed out Maguire, and had him arrested on a charge of disturbing the peace.


Noted Architects Of Country Coming
[[obstructed]]o Hundred Delegates Ex-[[obstructed]]cted for [[obstructed]]merican Institute S[[obstructed]] Here.


Two Pussy-Foot Cops Arrest the Coroner
Only Man Who Can Jail Sheriff Has Trouble Showing He's No Burglar.




Force of Fifthy Insurrectos Leave Three Men and Packs of Rifles on Field.


DOUGLAS (Ariz). January 9.-Mining men have arrived in Douglas from lower Sonora with the details of the defeat and route of a band of thirty Insurrectos by a Federal force of fifty under the command of the Jefe at Moctezuma. The Jefe's force was organized by him from the loyalists in Cumpas and Moctezuma and caught the rebels in a narrow place hemmed in on the only open side by a barbed wire fence.

Resistance was slight, the rebels abandoning horses and pack mules loaded with ridles taken from Monte Cristo and other mining camps and leaving three men on the field, one of them dead and another mortally wounded. In the pursuit nine prisoners were taken by the Jefe.

The defeated rebels were originally a portion of th eband which was recently active around the American mining camps in Cananea.

Reyes Is Repudiated.

EL PASO (Tex.), January 9.-Abraham Gonzales, provisional governor of Chuhuahua under the insurrecto movement, in a telegram to T.J. Neville, a local newspaper man, to-day declared that he has heard nothing of the coming of Reyes to lead the revolutionary forces.

"Were such a plan on foot I am certain that I would know of it," says Gonzales, "and furthermore it is certain that Reyes would be utterly repudiated by the State of Chihuahua should he attempt to assume the leadership. The people lack confidence in Reyes and the only way he could connect himself with the movement would be as a soldier with a following from his own State of Jalisco."

An important increase in the standing army of Mexico has resulted, according to the Mexican Herald of Mexico City, from the present revolutio nin Northern Mexico. The paper says that four new regiments of cavalry and two regiments of artillery are now being organized.

Revolutionists Surrender.

MEXICO CITY, January 9.-Seventy-three rebels, who figured in the taking of Batopilas., have surrendered to the Federal officers, laid down their arms and made public declarations of their desire to return to their former peaceful occupations. They turned over 45 carbines, 22 pistols, two swords and 400 cartridges.

Appolonio Rodriguez, the leader, surrendered $1,300 in money. The prisoners, with the exception of Rodriguez and three other leaders, were given their liberty.

The first news direct from Guerrero which has been reoccupied by the Federals, indicates that several Government representatives were put to death by the revolutionists, among them the [[obstructed]]

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