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[[newspaper clipping]]
Oakland Tribune

Daily Knave

Ben Goldfarb is buying a new home.

Ben is chairman of the Oakland Chapter of the Progressive Citizens of America. He is also chairman of the housing committee of the Oakland Voters League.

In his official capacity, Goldfarb comes close to being the city's leading exponent of abolition of restrictive covenants, racial discrimination and ghettos.

In speeches before the City Council and at League meetings, the Knave is told, Goldfarb condemns discriminatory practices, loudly calls for their abolishment.

So, as we said, Ben is buying a new home . . .in a tract where, according to official documents recorded at the Alameda County Courthouse, "no lot, or plot or building shall be used or occupied by any person not of the wife, Caucasian race, except when employed as a domestic or servant thereon in the household of a white or Caucasian resident."
* * * *
Alameda County Supervisors may not get the new raise they are working on, but nothing's going to stop them from having enlarged and more luxurious quarters at the Courthouse.

What raise? No, not the jump from $350 to $650 a month. They got that last year, but it seems the $300 boost was inadequate to meet rising cost of living or something. (County employees, who were given a $20 boost have some comments on that The Knave can't print such language).

This is a new raise. The county dad's, seated in getting through a charter amendment which makes their salary a matter to be determined by a generous Legislature instead of the less liberal people of Alameda County who have to pay them, have decided they should be getting about $9000 a year, which figures down to $750 a month.

They were all set to rush the proposal $100 raise to the Legislature in its closing days, but a few taxpayers heard about it in their screams induced supervisorial cold feet, and the plan was abandoned.

Failure to get under the Legislature's deadline makes it impossible to work a raise there until board members come up for re-election, but the boys don't want to wait that long and they have some other ideas. So if you find an innocent-looking proposition on your election ballot, Betty give it a bit of study. It could hide a $750 salary for supervisors.

How'd we get on this crass subject? We were going to tell you about the beauty and luxury of the new furnishings going into the supervisors' new quarters.

They have ousted the purchasing agent from her office, knocked out the intervening partition, and are all set to pick out rugs and desks and drapes and chairs and maybe even a lounge.

Rather unhappy about it all, the purchasing agent has been shunted to another building where her first assignment is to prepare specifications for the new furnishings. A deal to have them drawn by Max Belling, prominent furniture dealer who dabbles in politics, missed fire.
* * * *
John F. Galvin Sr., for three decades the headman and Richmond civic and political circles, is about to bow out of the newspaper field.

The Knave hears that the eyes of Texas are upon his Richmond Independent, with Leo Owens, newspaper magnate of the Lone Star State, ready to pay a cool $1,000,000 for the publication.

Auditors for Owens have completed an exhaustive study of the independent's business records and are now preparing a report for his perusal. It is considered virtually certain that the deal will be completed in 60 to 90 days.

Galvin is reported to have driven a nice bargain. He is said to have flatly refused an offer of $900,000. "I don't have to sell," he is quoted as declaring. "If you want the paper, make it $1,000,000 even."

It is understood that John F. Galvin Jr. will continue to operate the Contra Costa Broadcasting Company's FM radio station, in which he is associated with Warren Brown Jr., business manager for the Independent, and E. M. Downer, Richmond banker

The elder Galvin will take his million bucks into retirement.

Owens will be making his first venture on the Pacific Coast after a successful newspaper career in Texas and the Great Lakes area. He is the owner of papers at Harlingen, McAllen, and Brownsville, Tex., and is interested in others at Duluth and St. Paul, Minn.
* * * *
You'd be surprised – at least The Knave was – to learn how many disabled veterans are buying new automobiles these days.

Many of those most critically ill, bed-ridden and helpless, have their names on lists of new car owners . . . briefly.

It's another phase of the expanding used-car racket, and while it provides war heroes with desperately needed cash, there should be some better way of helping them.

Representatives of some of the most avaricious dealers in "used but not much" cars make regular tours of hospitals. They contact the suffering veteran, guaranteeing him a quick profit, and get his signature on a new car order.

They always have angles through which the orders can be filled. Several manufacturers innocently expedite their deals. In an effort to favor men who need and deserve help, these companies have established a pool from which dealers can draw cars for sale to disabled veterans, without affecting their regular quotas. A vet who can qualify for such delivery gets quick service from the racketeers.

They take his order, put up the money for the car purchase, and swap him $100 or $200 for transfer. He gets a bit of money which he can use, and how. They get a car that they can sell on a "used car" lot for double its list price.

You'd be surprised to learn — at least The Knave was — the names of some of the local dealers who are displaying a great and undoubtedly altruistic interest in the financial welfare of our disabled veterans.

[[image - photograph of people looking skyward]]
[[caption]] Intently following maneuvers of a stung plane, all eyes of these spectators are on the sky at the second annual Oakland Air Show, which drew 100,000 persons over the week-end. [[/caption]]

[[image - photograph of wrecked plane]]
[[caption]] This is the wreckage of the Navy torpedo plane which crashed on take-off during air show yesterday when the landing gear folded.  The three occupants were not injured. [[/caption]]

[[image - photograph of plane in sky with man on top of plane]]
[[caption]] Look, no hands!  George Waltz, aerial cowboy, waves his scarf to crowd after riding this biplane through a series of loops, rolls and other stunts.  He parachuted off. [[/caption]]

[[image - photograph of man and woman]]
[[caption]] Fred Wiseman, world's first air mail flier, and Mrs. C. A. "Mother" Tusch, of Berkeley, were among aviation personalities honored at the week-end air show here.–Tribune photos. [[/caption]]

[[image - photograph of man lying on bed with doctor attending him]]
[[caption]] Jack Huber, stunt parachutists, is shown being treated at Highland Hospital by Dr. R. H. Marquette after he suffered deep cut on his arm in a two-mile free fall jump yesterday. [[/caption]]

[[image - photograph of woman with plane]]
[[caption]] Jean Broadhead, of Charlotte, N.C., portraying "Grandma Snazzy," pilots the 1917 Curtis pushing plane.  She lost a novelty race with an automobile during air show yesterday. [[/caption]]

[[image - photograph of two planes in the air]]
[[caption]] Two Army P-80 "Shooting Star" jet fighter planes speed over Oakland Airport at more than 500 miles an hour. [[/caption]]

100,000 See Air Pageant
Speed Record Set, Parachutist Hurt, One Plane Crashes

Another speed record was set, one plane crashed on a take-off and one of the Nation's top stunt parachutists was injured as the second annual Oakland Air Show of the Junior Chamber of Commerce ended yesterday at Oakland Municipal Airport.

More than 70,000 spectators were on hand for the second day of the air spectacle, to bring attendance for the two-day show to over 100,000.

The speed record was set by Paul Mantz, Hollywood stunt pilot and 1946 Bendix race winner, who flashed by the crowd at 4:28 p.m. and landed in Los Angles at 5:19 p.m.  Averaging better than 400 miles an hour for the 340-mile flight, Mantz was officially timed by synchronized Western Union clocks in 50 minutes 39.5 seconds.


He broke his own record of 51 minutes and 56 seconds, which he set on the first day of the air show Saturday.  Mantz was flying the red P-51 Mustang in which he won the Bendix race last year and in which he will enter it again this year.

Three naval reservists escaped injury in the only crack-up.  Their torpedo plane skidded and careened off the runway when the landing gear folded on a take-off.

Occupants of the plane were Lieut. William Morris, 26, of Glen Ellen, the pilot;  Jess Sprayberry, 27, of Livermore, and Marsh Thubin, 24, of Oakland, the crewmen.

Jack Huber, of Charlotte, N.C., a professional parachutist for 19 years, was injured in his two-mile delayed parachute jump.  He left a plane at 10,000 feet, falling free to less than 1000 feet before opening his parachute.


He misjudged the wind, however, and failed to land on the airport in front of the spectators, landing instead on the pavement in the hangar area.  He suffered a laceration of the arm which required eight stitches to close.  He was treated at Highland Hospital and was unable to make a second jump.

All other parachute jumps, cancelled Saturday because of dangerously high winds, were performed yesterday.  One was that of the "bat man," Tommy Boyd, who fluttered down from 10,000 feet to 300 feet before opening his parachute directly in front of the crowd.

The other was a surprise ending to the wing-walking act of George Waltz.  Waltz, who rode the top wing of a biplane through a series of rolls, loops and inverted flight, dropped suddenly while the plane was upside down at low altitude and parachuted to earth.

Other spectacular events were the rocket climb of Jess Bristow, glider aerobatics by Art McCarthy of Livermore, stunt flying by Bill Lear Jr., 18, of Hollywood, and Betty Skelton, 21, of Florida, speed demonstrations by Army P-80's and mass formations of Navy planes.


The show was delayed for 10 minutes when an emergency call was received for a white twin-engine Coast Air Ambulance plane, which had been on display.  The plane, piloted by Lou Newfield and Walter Griffeth, flew to Santa Rosa to pick up Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Russell, of Hanford, to fly them home after they had been injured in an automobile accident.

Ed Cleveland, 17, of 1743 104th Avenue, won the scholarship for a ground school course in aviation at Aero Industries Technical Institute.  He is a member of Oakland Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol.

Col. Art Geobel, winner of the Dole flight of 20 years ago, which the air show commemorated, announced that he will go on active duty in the Army Reserves today.  He addressed the crowd briefly, comparing his flight of 20 years ago with modern aviation.  Goebel was one of the aviation pioneers and leaders honored during the air show. 

Police Chief Robert P. Tracy will appear before the City Council at its meeting tomorrow afternoon for what may become the opening of a full-fledged investigation of the Oakland Police Department.

Tracy, returning to duty this morning after a vacation, said he is prepared to answer any questions by councilmen and will have a statement to make on departmental affairs.

The investigation was demanded by councilmen Scott Weakley and Raymond E. Pease last Thursday night when the former reported his life has been threatened by interests opposing his advocacy of higher license fees for pin-ball games and jukeboxes.

Pease, who said he also has received threats, read a written statement in which he accused Gene Murphy, retired police inspector, of vilifying him during an argument in a 19th Sreet tavern. The councilman said Murphy told him the Heath Club was "out to get him" and offered to wager $100 he would be in San Quentin within a year.

Murphy's version of the incident was that he was giving Pease "friendly advice."

Police officials said Murphy has no official connection with the department since his retirement. His status as recipient of a city pension cannot be altered except by conviction of a felony, in which case the Pension Board has jurisdiction.

Motorist Captures Three Boy Fugitives
Emmett Rietmann of 848 Alice Avenue, San Leandro, picked up three young hitchhikers near Calistoga, listened to their conversation and then drove them to Eastern Police Station. This ended their ride and their escape from the Salvation Army's Lytton Home for boys in Sonoma County.

Rietmann said the boys, whose ages range from 9 to 14 years, told him they were bound for San Jose where one of them used to live. By the time they reached Oakland, though, Rietmann had heard enough to convince him that police would be interested in their whereabouts.

He stopped at Eastern Police Station and turned the boys over to Patrolmen Martin Hunger. They had escaped during visiting hours at the Lytton Home yesterday and had been missed only a short time.

Jamboree Will Give U.S. Scouts New Friends, Views of World
Chicago Daily News Foreign Service

MOISSON, France, Aug. 18. —
When the Boy Scouts' 10-day world jamboree of peace ends here tonight, 1100 delegates from America will leave this town, 40 miles from Paris, with long lists of new friends from four corners of the earth.

They will also take home with them from this sixth international meeting, the first in 10 years, a better comprehension of world problems, for they joined together with 30,000 boys from every country in the world except Russia in camping, exercising, playing and scouting.

Thomas J. Keane, director of civil relationships for the American Scouts, who attended five of the previous international get-togethers, told me today that the Moisson Jamboree has proved he best of them all. Here, he said, the American boys have succeeded in coming closer than ever before to youths of other nations.

Keane accompanied the boys on this trip in the capacity of liaison for the American Scout organization.

Joseph Healy, 16-year-old Scout from Chicago seemed to express the general opinion when he enthusiastically described the jamboree as "worth two years' schooling."

Many of the boys showed me German shells they are taking home as trophies. They found them, they said, while cleaning up.

Brisk trading between boys of different nations is in evidence throughout the camp. Scout uniforms have seen considerable swapping. Our boys' head gear, for example varies from the Egyptian tarbouche to the green and yellow Indian turban, and one out of every three boys I encounter seems to be wearing an American uniform.

American preference among new friends goes about in this order, from my check: British — especially Scots — Swedes, Swiss, Greeks, French, Indians.

As far as I can discover no love is been lost between the American boys and those from countries behind the iron curtain. The Czech delegation, encamped near Group No. 14, from Chicago and adjoining towns, are described as "stiff" and seemingly eager to "convince us that they are not under the Soviet thumb."

The Hungarians where beautiful feathers and their caps but they can not succeed in trading them and relations are lukewarm, though perhaps the language barrier has a lot to do with it.

A group of German boys were brought in by the French Army during the closing days of the jamboree to take a lesson in "democratic brotherhood."

However, after visiting the camp they were installed outside, since there has been no Scout organization in Germany since Hitler's jugend replaced it in 1933.
Copyright, 1947, Chicago Daily News, Inc.

A mid-afternoon holdup, within a few feet of where hundreds of persons were feeding the ducks on Lake Merritt, yesterday, cost an Oakland man $219 in cash, his monogrammed Panama hat and flowered swimming trunks.

Also gone for some time was his new sport coupe, which was recovered several hours after the robbery. It was parked at the curb at 2825 Broadway.

The victim, William H. Green, 56, of 309 Haddon Road, said he was sitting in his car reading when two men approached.

One drew a gun, Green told police, and ordered him to "move over." Green reported he was written around for some time before being released at Oakland Avenue and Harrison Street.

Green described both men as wearing small beards, dressed in blue suits and tan shoes and the one with the gun had on a bright red tie.

In another holdup late Saturday night, Mrs. Emelie Balladone, 47, was slugged over the head several times and robbed of $200 as she entered her home at 5885 Morpeth Street, police said.

She said she heard a car horn a short distance from her home after she put her car in the garage, and as she was opening her front door, the assailant ran up the stairs and struck her.

Mrs. Balladone, who operates a restaurant at Fifth Street and Broadway, described her attacker as 20 to 30 years old, 5 feet 9 inches tall with dark hair. He fled in his car after taking her money. Mrs. Balladone was treated at Highland Hospital for head injuries.

Lew Jenkins, 45 of 3246 San Pablo Avenue, said a 215-pound Negro, after giving him a ride, took his wallet, containing $45, and then forced Jenkins out of the car at 35th Street and San Pablo Avenue early Sunday.

In another robbery, Russell Plowright, 24, of 267 Smalley Avenue, Hayward, said that two men held him up after he offered to help them start their stalled car.

Forced into the car, Plowright said he was robbed of $40 after one of the men put a gun in his side and took his wallet.

Brewery Worker Found Hanging

The body of Earl W. Miller, 40, unemployed brewery worker, was found hanging by the neck from a pear tree behind his rooming house at 3124 Grove Street early today.

Patrolman William G. Rogers said Miller had used a window sash cord to hang himself, apparently jumping from the crotch of the tree. He was found by his landlady, Mrs. Ida Breeding, when she went into the yard to feed pet rabbits.

Earl Cregan, another resident of the rooming house, told police Miller was despondent over a separation from his wife and recent loss of his job.

Garberville Flier Killed
EUREKA, Aug. 18 — (AP) — Roy V. Peck, a lumber mill employee of Garberville, was killed yesterday in the crash of a small plane near Table Bluff.

Board to Get Bids Oct. 1 on County Fairground Buildings
PLEASANTON, Aug. 18. — Plans and specifications for several new exhibit buildings at the Alameda County Fairgrounds are expected to be presented to the Board of Supervisors for bids by October 1. Wray L. Bergstrom, executive secretary of the Fair Association announced today. 

Bergstrom said Andrew Haas San Francisco architect, is submitting plans for the main exhibit building and several smaller buildings and livestock shelters today. It is expected that the construction will be at least partially completed in time for the 1948 fair, Bergstrom said.

Available for the job is $200,000 from the state and $70,000 worth of steel from two hangars at the fairgrounds.