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Transcription: [00:00:04]

{SPEAKER name="John Ennis (interpreter)"}
testing one, two testing one two


In about 5 minutes we're gonna start

May I have your attention?

May I have your attention?

Thank you

Good Noon

Good day. Welcome to the 15th annual Smithsonian Institute Festival - Folk Festival

This is the first time that we're presenting our program here

called 'Folklore of the Deaf'.

We want to present the traditions of Deaf Folk

Theatre - I would like to introduce Jan, Jan DeLap

She will introduce her theatre group

Again, welcome

I will give you a brief history of the Deaf Theatre showbusiness

A long time ago,

we didn't have any shows for the deaf people

except on our own.

What we would make up,

create - this sort of thing. For example,

I'm speaking out of the top of my head

So I had to take off my hat to see where my thoughts are.

[[woman's laughter in background]] I'd like to - let's see...

How many of you are deaf? That are here right now?