Viewing page 16 of 50

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[[underlined]] CONFIDENTIAL [[/underlined]]

[[3 column table]]
[[headings are underlined]]


 1. | 290.3 | MMAF GROUND CON[[cutoff]]
 2. | 281.2 | MMAF TOWER
 3. | 237.9 | MEDEVAC COMMON
 4. | 240.6 | RADAR I
 5. | 305.6 | RADAR II
 6. | 321.0 | RADAR III
 7. | 327.0 | BALDY TOWER
 8. | 341.4 | DANANG DASC
 9. | [[strikethrough]]369.9[[strikethrough]] ^[[348.0]] | JOYRIDE TADC
10. | 297.0 | 1st MARINE SAV-[[cutoff]]
11. | 318.6 | 5th MARINE SAV-[[cutoff]]
12. | 247.0 | MISSION 41
13. | 327.5 | MISSION 51
14. | 271.9 | VICE SQUAD
15. | 366.0 | PANAMA
16. | 282.2 | MISSION 80
17. | 315.6 | MISSION 50
18. | 347.9 | SPARE I
19. | 370.1 | SPARE II
20. | 312.7 | SPARE III
21. | 339.6 | GUN COMMON

[[underlined]] CONFIDE[[cutoff]] [[/underlined]]