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Berlin Sept 4th. 1883 Approximate Figures To generate gas for balloon with acid and a metal = Fe + H2SO4 = FeSO4 + H2. Proportion [[strikethrough]] 1 H2 H [[/strikethrough]] of 1 of H2SO4 to .7 of Fe Takes 23 times the weight of Fe, and 49 times the weight of H2SO4 to make 1 of H. 1 cu ft H = 2.43 grams, 700000 cu ft H = 1,701,000 grams [[divided by symbol]] 451 (grams in lb avoirdupois) = 3771, total wt H. Same amount of air at 14 times heavier = 52794 lb avoirdupois Would take 86,733 lbs Fe to make 7000000 cu ft H which at 8.02 lb = $1734.66 for Fe (scrap Fe). Would take 184,779 lbs H2SO4, which at $.04 per pound = $7391.16 700000 cu ft coal gas at $2 per 1000 = $1400. Experiment with refining coal gas. " " [[dittos for Experiment with]] deriving H from water ^[[by electricity]] each cubic centimeter of which contains 1 1/4 liter of H. See Barkers College Chemistry under H. [[line]] One pound of H burning will raise the temperature of [[strikethrough]] 1 lb H2O. [[/strikethrough]] 50,000 lbs H2O, 10. Haswell 569 One lb C = 14500 lbs H2O raised 1 [[degree symbol]]
Transcription Notes:
a system of weights based on a avoirdupois = pound of 16 ounces or 7,000 grains, widely used in English-speaking countries.