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The President's Message

"50 Years -- A Plateau Achieved and A Time for New Beginnings."

[[image - photograph of William E. Jones holding a camera]]

Time can enhance or it can destroy. Many things wither or erode as time goes by. But our association, the Professional Photographers of Indiana, Inc., has made improvements with age. We have learned the value of sharing our knowledge with our fellow craftsmen. We have also learned well the value of gathering together for fellowship and fun. We are grateful to those who founded the original Photographers Association of Indiana 50 years ago, and to those who built upon the foundation. We are grateful to those fifty Board of Directors who in common shared the trials and tribulations, the sweat, the hours of devotion to the cause and the decisions which are common to the forging of any great organization. Each board has in its own way placed the new bricks and mortar of advancement upon the old.

Some of us, by virtue of our office, have more visibility and public recognition, but those of you who do the actual work behind the scenes are far more important. We are grateful for a faithful membership without whose participation all efforts would have been in vain. I should take the time and space to express an extra measure of gratitude to all who have made things happen this past year. To try to list everyone would be risky; I'm sure to omit someone. Please know that although unnamed, your guidance, help and suggestions were highly valued. But I would be remiss if I did not thank my Board of Directors and the staff at our PP of I office for keeping me on track this year. And to Steve Rosenbaum, Editor of this magazine, we all owe our thanks and praise. Steve has brought you this fine publication, not without great personal sacrifice. Dick Ware has now stepped in to assist Steve with this issue in these busy and stressful times. As I hand over the gavel to your new President, Bill Tobias, I would ask that all of you continue to input your ideas and your time to help ease the tremendous burdens of this office for Bill. I will be forever thankful for the support that all of you have given to me in the past.

We have looked at the past -- let us now look to the future. Let us pledge to continue to participate and share together as we have in the past. We must dispel the "anybody can snap a picture" attitude of the general public. WE must recruit new members who will subscribe to our professional standards and our Code of Ethics. We must be willing to change our attitudes and our methods to improve the image of our profession. This convention is de-

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signed to help all of us toward those goals. Please take the time to read about our speakers in this issue. They come to share their knowledge, not because it is financially profitable; many accept no fee. They come because they have a love for their profession and for those with whom they share this common ground. You owe it to them, to yourself and to your customers to attend the programs and to participate in the other activities of this, our very special 50th Anniversary Convention and Trade Show, February 2-5, 1985. Register NOW!


William E. Jones, CPP
President, PP of I



[[image - Professional Photographers of Indiana, Inc. logo]]



Cover Photo by
Steve Rosenbaum