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[[4 columns]]

[[underlined]] At Huntington [[/underlined]]

Huntington to Hammond | R6L #2763-4 | 2 at $2.45 | $4.90

" [[ditto for Huntington]] " [[ditto for to]] Rochester | R6L #2780 | 1 " [[ditto for at]] .85 | .85

" [[ditto for Huntington]] " [[ditto for to]] Chicago | R6L #2766-2790-1 | 3 " [[ditto for at]] 3.40 | 10.20

[[underlined]] At Callicoon [[/underlined]]

Callicoon to Elmira | Card # 307 | 1 at 3.45 | 3.45

" [[ditto for Callicoon]] " [[ditto for to]] Binghamton | " [[ditto for Card]] #26949 | 1 " [[ditto for at]] 2.00 | 2.00

[[underlined]] At Hornell [[/underlined]] 

Hornell to Olean | R6L #3327 | 1 at 1.60 | 1.60 


 | | | $23.00
 | | Total page No 1 | 129.25. 
 | | Grand Total | $152.25

[[/4 columns]]