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Unsigned letter from soldier "Over There",,"addressed "To the little blond girl who played the piano at the Y.M.C.A. 1917. ^[[1917]] Umraah Regnet. = 1 = You asked for a poem, girlie, In your innocent, trustful way, So I hope you'll forgive this rude attempt To sing you a little lay. = 2 = My poem shall be of a little girl, With a smile like the birth of day, When the radiant sun breaks his eastern bars, and chases night away. = 3 = Her eyes are but heaven-banished stars, Her breath like the breath of Spring, Laden with perfume from a thousand flowers That awake when the robins sing = 4 = Her hair is a golden coronet Of lustrous wave, and bright And crowns her shapely little head Like a gloriole of light