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[[preprinted]] GROVER A. WHALEN, General Chairman Citizens' Committee MRS. BERNARD M. BARUCH MRS. ARTHUR B. CLAFLIN MRS. HENRY P. DAVISON MRS. WILLIAM T. DEWART MRS. E. MARSHALL FIELD MRS. LYTTLETON FOX MRS. CHARLES S. GUGGENHEIMER MRS. WILLIAM RANDOLPH HEARST MRS. EDWARD F. HUTTON SPONSORS - WOMEN'S EMERGENCY AID COMMITTEE MRS. SAMUEL ADAMS CLARK, Chairman MRS. DAVID H. KNOTT MRS. ISAAC KUBIE MRS. HUNTER SYLVESTER MARSTON MRS. WILLIAM FELLOWES MORGAN MISS TERESA O'DONOHUE HON. HENRY W. TAFT, Chairman Citizens' Advisory Board MRS. WILLARD PARKER MRS. PAUL PRYIBIL MRS. HERBERT PULITZER MRS. FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT MRS. FINLEY J. SHEPARD MRS. ARTHUR H. SULZBERGER MRS. WILLIAM K. VANDERBILT MRS. FAIR VANDERBILE MRS. CORNELIUS VANDERBILT WOMEN'S EMERGENCY AID COMMITTEE THE SALVATION ARMY Headquarters: BILTMORE HOTEL NEW YORK CITY Telephone: VANDERBIlT 5915 [[/preprinted]] December 26th, 1930. My dear Miss Davis: I rejoice with you in the success of the Women's Emergency Aid Committee. To have achieved victory - and such a marvelous victory - in going over our goal, I know is as great a satisfaction to you as it is me. I am sure it makes our hard weeks of effort seem very worth while. It was splendid to reach the $500,000 mark and then go up to $600,470.00 with prospects of even more money which will probably come in later! From the bottom of my heart I thank you for all the wonderful work you did. It takes courage and perserverance, I well know, to meet and conquer all the difficulties of raising money; and to come through with such splendid quotas for each team is a real achievement. It has been a great pleasure and inspiration to be associated with you in this undertaking and I am proud and happy to have been identified with you in this work for the Salvation Army. I hope we shall all look back upon it as one of the high points in the year 1930--at least I shall - and I shall think of you often. With many thanks again, and the heartiest of congratulation and wishes for your happiness in the New Year, Sincerely, [[signature]] Gertrude A. Clark [[/signature]] Mrs. Samuel Adams Clark Chairman.