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[[preprinted]] GROVER A. WHALEN, General Chairman Citizens' Committee MRS. BERNARD M. BARUCH MRS. ARTHUR B. CAPLAN MRS. HENRY P. DAVISON MRS. WILLIAM T. DEWART MRS. E. MARSHALL FIELD MRS. LYTTLETON FOX MRS. CHARLES S. GUGGENHEIMER MRS. WILLIAM RANDOLPH HEARST MRS. EDWARD F. HUTTON SPONSORS - WOMEN'S EMERGENCY AID COMMITTEE MRS. SAMUEL ADAMS CLARK, Chairman MRS. DAVID H. KNOTT MRS. ISAAC KUBIE MRS. HUNTER SYLVESTER MARSTON MRS. WILLIAM FELLOWES MORGAN MISS TERESA O'DONOHUE HON. HENRY W. TAFT, Chairman Citizens' Advisory Board MRS. WILLARD PARKER MRS. PAUL PRYIBIL MRS. HERBERT PULITZER MRS. FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT MRS. FINLEY J. SHEPARD MRS. ARTHUR H. SULZBERGER MRS. WILLIAM K. VANDERBILT MRS. FAIR VANDERBILE MRS. CORNELIUS VANDERBILT WOMEN'S EMERGENCY AID COMMITTEE THE SALVATION ARMY Headquarters: BILTMORE HOTEL NEW YORK CITY Telephone: VANDERBIlT 5915 [[/preprinted]] December 16, 1930 Speaking of ENTERTAINMENT VALUE - don't overlook this one! At the Hotel Biltmore, Friday evening December 19th, you can have a jolly time dancing, hearing and SEEING (they are easy to look at) famous girl flyers, partake of a buffet supper, and at the same time help the Salvation Army Drive - all for $6. per person. So get up a party and come to the Hotel Biltmore. Help yourself to a good time and help the UNEMPLOYED. An ENTERTAINMENT BARGAIN! Under the auspices of Team 29 Laura B. Harney Marjorie Doig Viola Gentry Mrs. Margery Brown [[ink underlined]] Manila Davis [[/ink underlined]] Mrs. Betty H. Gillies Ruth Nichols Mrs. Frances Herrel Marcelus Agnes Mills Wilma L. Walsh Jean Davidson Mrs. Opal Kunz Mrs. Ruth Elder Camp Tickets for sale at the door, or at headquarters of the above committee.