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[[preprinted]] Telephone Mulberry 4-3554 4-3555 Newark, N.J., ^[[February 28, 1931]] ^[[Miss Manila Davis, 166 Second Avenue, New York City.]] To NEWARK AIR SERVICE, Dr. NEWARK METROPOLITAN AIRPORT [[statement]] [[5 column table]] [[no heading labels]] | || || | Jan. | 31, | Statement rendered ^[[2.5 Travelaire]] | 26.55 | Feb. | 16, | #3570, Credit by cash | | 26.66 "[[ditto for Feb.]]| 17 | #3581, """[[ditto for Credit, ditto for by, ditto for cash]] | | 100.00 "[[ditto for Feb.]] | 116, | #588-T, Flying Time, 1 hour 5 min. @20.00 per hr. | 21.67 | "[[ditto for Feb.]] | 18, | #590-T, flying time, 30 minutes, @20,00 per hr. | 10.00 | "[[ditto for Feb.]] | 28, | Petty cash #3833, [[underlined]] for one night's storage at Hadley Field on our ship NC6263, [/underlined]] | 3.00 | | | Credit balance | | 65.33 [/statement]] [[newspaper clipping]] PLAINFIELD, N.J., COURIER-NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1931. Hadley Airport Notes By "BRITT" Lindy's Well Producing The much talked about well on Col. Charles A. Lindergh's property near Princeton has reached a point where the output of water is five gallons a minute. Work has temporarily halted when this test was made in accordance with Lindy's request. It was stated by the Colonel that the well would have to have an output of at least 15 gallons of water per minute to meet with his needs. The well drillers stated that it would take some time to get the well deep enough to produce the amount of water desired by the Colonel, and in conclusion said the ground where the well was being dug was nearly solid rock and the hardest drilling they had encountered in their careers in the business. [[line]] And the Year Is Still Young It was announced through this column late last year that the United States Aircraft Co. of New Brunswick would be busy this year getting the much-sought-for A.T.C. (Approved Type Certificate) which the company needs to put the sturdy SP7 high wing monoplane in production on a commercial basis. Word has been received from Washington, D.C., that in static tests the little monoplane has received the official O.K. of the department. There is one test that the craft has to go through yet and that is the flying, spinning and lateral stability of the craft at all speeds. [[line]] [[hand drawn parenthesis]] Three Ships in [[underlined]] Forced Landings [/underlined & hand drawn parenthesis]] Three planes flying in formation were forced down here Wednesday. The planes had flown from the Mercer airport at Trenton and were on their way to the Newark Airport when bad weather overtook them and they were forced to land at the local airport until the weather cleared over the Newark Field. Major Copsey of the Newark Airport, Mrs. Opal Kuntz and another [[underlined]] unknown woman pilot [/underlined]] after spending the better art of the afternoon waiting for favorable weather reports from Newark, took off for their destination. [[line]] Fox Movietone at Airport Hadley Airport had members of the Fox Moviteone company for visitors recently when the picture company came to the local airport to take pictures of the airport and the Bell Telephone Laboratories. Members of the picture company went for a trip over New York in the tri-motored Ford Belonging to the company to get recording pictures in a test for the Police Dept. [/newspaper clipping]] [[personal note]] Don't forget, any landing you can walk away from is a good one and when in doubt "Nos'er down" Happy Landings "Britt" Hadley Airport [/personal note]]