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[[invitation]] The President and Board of Directors of The Toronto Flying Club request the pleasure of your company at a Hallowe'en Dance Royal York Golf Club, Islington Avenue Friday, October 30th, 1931 Dinner Jackets GILBERT WATSON'S EIGHT-PIECE ORCHESTRA NINE TILL TWO Gold Wings to be Worn R.S.V.P MR. C. E. FRENCH 108 ROSEDALE HEIGHTS DRIVE HYLAND 3794 (NO PROGRAMMES) SUBSCRIBTION $6.00 PER COUPLE (TAX INCLUDED) [[/invitation]] [[newspaper clippings]] THE SPORTSMAN PILOT America's first flying sportswoman Gerald B. Burtnett [[Image: silhouettes of two fixed wing aircraft]] How Bessica Raiche came home from France with a husband and an irresistable urge to fly [[Black/White photo]] [[caption]] Bessica Raiche, practicing physician [[/caption]] Mrs. Raiche declines to be classed a "grass cutter" and resolves to take her aerial lawn mower aloft A concoction of bamboo and silk emerged from the family parlor and carried America's first woman pilot into the air [[/newspaper clippings]]