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span 30 ft.
wing area 138 sq. ft.
length 21 ft.
Fuel cap - 50-80

[[9 columns]]
Model | motor | Hp. | wt. | Land sp. | Cruis Sp | rop cl | Climb | Price

YWS | wasp jr. | 400 | 1650 | 60 | 165 | 205 | IM40 | $12,700
   | " " [[dittos for wasp jr. | 300 | 1500 | 60 | 155 | 185 | 2'30" | 11,800
YW | J67 | 240 | 1425 | 56 | 140 | 165 | 3'20" | 10,800
YC | Lycoming | 215 | 2000 | 55 | 135 |  160 | 3'50" | 9,800
YL | Waspc | 425 | 2000 | 65 | 165 | 200 | 1'32" | 13,500
[[/9 columns]]

Transcription Notes:
Not sure about a few of these words