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[[newspaper clipping]]
JUNE 4, 1933


Time of Race–4 P.M.;  Route–Floyd Bennett Field to Valley Stream (four laps);  Distance–Approximately 40 Miles;  Starter–Amelia Earhart;  Chief Scorer–Ruth Nichols.

[[4 columns]]
Edith Descomb | NC 13111 | Hartford, Conn. | Fairchild
Laura Ingalls | NC 974Y | Garden City, L. I. | Lockheed
Johanna Busse | NC 11022 | Washington, D. C. | Sparton
Edna M. Gardner | NC 37H | Newport, R. I. | Robin
Viola Gentry | NC 3993 | Brooklyn, N. Y. | Waco
Cecil W. Kenyon | NC 711V | Waban, Mass. | Fleet
Mary Moore Sansom | - | Hartford, Conn. | Fleet
Peggy Remey | NC 444N | Manhattan | Travelaire
Helen Richey | NC 790Y | Pittsburgh, Pa. | Bird
Laura B. Harney | NC 8661 | Mt. Vernon, N. Y. | Fledgling
Helen McCloskey | NC 11895 | Pittsburgh, Pa. | Monocoupe
Alma Arlene Davis | NC 12159 | Cleveland, O. | Stinson
Manila C. Davis | NC 100M | Flatwoods, W. Va. | Klem
Myrtle Brown | NC 624Y | Brooklyn, N. Y. | Waco
Jessamine Goddard | NC 427N | Manhattan | Monocoupe
Henrietta Sumner | NC 5426 | Los Angeles, Cal. | Travelaire
Elinor Smith | NC 12199 | Freeport, L. I. | Stinson
Marjorie Ludwigsen | NC 12687 | Brookley, N. Y. | Fairchild
Fleur-de-Lys Scheer | - | Brooklyn, N. Y. | Eaglerock
Betty Huyler Gilles | NC 13071 | Garden City, L. I. | Waco
Frances Marsalis | NC 130Y | Valley Stream, L. I. | Waco
Evelyn de Seversky | - | Manhattan | Travelaire

LAURA INGALLS – A society girl from Garden City, L. I., and one of America's foremost women flyers.  She was the 15th woman in the United States to be granted a transport pilot's license.  She is flying a low-wing Lockheed Air Express, rated the fastest plane in the race.  That does not mean, however, she will walk away with the first prize because her plane is handicapped the heaviest.  She holds and has held many of the important records for flying, both national and international.

EDITH DESCOMB – Winner of the Percy Hiram Maxim Trophy as the best all-round woman flyer in Connecticut.  Mrs. Descomb, also a transport pilot, is flying a Fairchild "24" in today's race.  She is the mother of two children and she held the woman's looping record in her State until it was taken from her last Sunday by

MARY MOORE SANSOM – A fellow resident of Hartford with Mrs. Descomb;  the new Connecticut looping champion also is married.  After the conclusion of today's race Mrs. Sansom will give an exhibition of stunt flying.  She is piloting a Fleet.

VIOLA GENTRY – Long characterized as "the most courageous woman in aviation."  The first to go after the woman's solo endurance flying record.  Viola continued to fly after a crash which kept her on her back for nine months.  She is very active in organizing women's flying organizations, is a talented lecturer and writer, and has flown virtually every type of airplane extant.  She lives in Flatbush and pilots and OX Waco today.

MANILA C. DAVIS – This Flatwood, West Virginia ladybird will have the lowest-powered plane in the race today, but that doesn't mean a thing with her handicap rating and flying skill.  She is flying Capt. Charley Whitehead's low-wing Klem monoplane.

ELINOR SMITH – Since she was 16 (and that isn't so very long ago), Elinor has been an outstanding pilot.  She has established many records in all types of ships and when she is at home, which is seldom, she may be found in Freeport, L. I.  Next week she leaves for a 4,000-mile air tour through the South and Mid-West in a new Stinson Reliant, but today she will be out there making those pylon turns with a wide-open throttle in a Waco.

MARJORIE LUDWIGSEN – One of the youngest girls in the contest and flying a Fairchild "22."  She is the third of Art Bussy's ex-students to be in the race and she is flying the same plane in which she earned her license.  This is her first race.  She lives in Brooklyn.

FLEUR DE LYS SCHEER – Brooklyn Society girl whose friends call her "Flo."  A capable pilot who will make a bid for the honors in an Eaglerock.

EDNA M. GARDENER – A nurse in the United States Naval Hospital at Newport, R. I., who learned to fly between long hours of duty in the sick wards.  She is a transport pilot and will be at the controls of a Curtiss Robin today.

JOHANNA BUSSE – Flew her Spartan up to Brooklyn from her home in Washington, D. C., to be on hand in today's race.

CECIL W. KENYON – Another out-of-towner who is better known socially in Boston, but whose reputation as a flyer extends all over the Eastern Seaboard.  Lives in Waban, Mass., and will fly a Fleet today.

HENRIETTA SUMNER – Who had to do a little cross-country flying to get her from her home in Los Angeles.  Flying a Travelaire today.

MYRTLE BROWN – Brooklyn girl, who will fly today's race in a plane built by her brother-in-law, whose genius is internationally recognized.  His name is Giuseppe Bellanca.

FRANCES MARSALIS – The idol of Valley Stream, wife of the genial Bill Marsalis, and co-holder of the women's world refueling record.  She will fly a Waco F today.

EVELYN DE SEVERSKY – Wife of the famous Alexander de Seversky, but a prominent pilot in her own right.  Hubby won fame for his designing and construction of a "triple threat" airplane which is equipped for land, water and ice landings.  Mrs. de Seversky is flying a Travelaire in today's race.

ALMA ARLENE DAVIS - Cleveland's representative in today's classic who has a fine reputation in the Ohio metropolis and vicinity.  She will fly a Sinson today.

LAURA B. HARNEY – Another woman transport flyer who, between flying, teaches school in Mt. Vernon.  Has contributed several important books to the aviation world and will pilot a Curtiss Fledgling in the big race.

HELEN RICHEY – Who comes from McKeesport Pa., where they raise the little Klems, but who forsakes the tiny jobs today to pilot a four-place Bird.  Helen is the girl who had a forced landing last Tuesday, the original date for the race, when she ran into fog and rain en route to Floyd Bennett Field.

ANNETTE GIPSON – Sponsor of today's race and dear old Dixie's most charming gift to aviation.  Annette is one of those sparkling belles of the South you often read about but seldom see.  Born in Athens, Ga., 23 years ago, she did not learn to fly until 14 months ago.  With the ink barely dry on her license, she stepped out and won a cross-country race from a field of some of the country's best men and women flyers.  She decided to go in for racing in a big way, but was dismayed to learn that women's races were few and far between.  Ergo, the Annette Gipson All-Women Air Race was launched last year.  With its second annual staging today, it has become a national institution and is the most important event for ladybirds in the country.  Annette, who has 235 solo hours in her log, is not entered in today's race, because she is as busy with other matters pertinent to the event as 

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