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[[underlined]] Idaho Falls [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Aug. 10 [[/underlined]] - Left Idaho Falls with team and light camp outfit & Jewett for Irwin and Star Valley. Started at 9 AM and travelled about 25 miles and camped in the canyon of Snake River above Heiss Hot Springs. 

Valley country largely under irrigation good crops of wheat and oats and sugar beets. Not much fruit. A few young orchards of good apples Sorry young peach trees not yet bearing 

Dry land farming on the benches is very successful, wheat looks well and will yield 20 & 30 bushels, oats in some cases 40.

Roads good but dusty, very dry. Valley mainly Upper Sonoran also lower benches, Canyon of river and higher benches Transition. Douglas spruce & aspens on cold slopes of wall of canyon.