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[[underlined]] Dry Creek [[/underlined]] 

[[underlined]] Aug.19 [[/underlined]] Caught a lot of mammals and shot some birds.

Cary & Jewett have been making skins most of day.

Hunted a little in morning.
Wrote notes & reports part of day.

Our camp is on an open bench about 40 feet above the creek & escapes the cold currents at night. No frost in morning and a warmer night than we have seen in the valley bottom, 1300 feet lower.

[[underlined]] Aug 20 [[/underlined]] - Cary and I went up the mts. to head of Dry Creek 3 miles east of camp to set traps for Phenacomys & get the zone levels and lists of plants high up and such birds & mammals as we could find. Reached a peak at 10400 feet but there are others beyond that seem to be 200 or 300 feet higher. The crest of the next long ridge is shown by the Forest Service contour map as 10500 in many places. On the east side of the peak we reached is a sheer cliff 1000 feet high - a great circ - & at its base great snowbanks, pools & ^[[little]] streams

Transcription Notes:
"Circ" is, I think, a variant of cirque: