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We set traps in this circ down to a beautiful little Hudsonian zone lake & came down its valley to camp by an easy grade around the N. fork of Dry Cr.

The mts are steep and rather barren of tilted, stratified rock, lime & shale & sand largely, there is generally a thin soil cover & this has suffered much from effects of sheep & fire.

Many extensive slopes are stony & bare but the more gradual slopes have some areas of good timber still. It is largely in strips and patches in gulches and on cold slopes. So much of the surface is barren that zone lines are not easily located but can be pretty closely guessed.

Transition zone covers the valley, unless the frosty bottoms of Star Valley should be classed as Canadian, and runs up the S.W. slopes on north side of Dry Creek to about 8000 feet, or to a point a mile east of our camp. On the cold