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[[underlined]] Hudsonian zone [[/underlined]] reaches from about 10000 feet on SW slopes to the top of all but a few of the very highest peaks and it might reach these if not bare rocks; and on NE. slopes from about 9000 to 9500 feet, but no good slopes were found. Most were too steep for anything.

The zone is marked by Pinus albicaulis Abies subalpina, and dwarf Picea engelmani, Ribes leptanthum, Salix - 2 dwarf species, Artemisia, Luprious[[guess]], Aquilegria, white, Arttocarpas yellow & pink, Pedia[[?]]s

[[underlined]] Arctic Alpine Zone [[/underlined]] covers the highest peaks and down about 1000 feet on cold slopes it is marked by Oxarigdigyme[[?]] diqyne[[guess]]. Sibaldia procumbens, Ge[[?]], Potentilla, Achilea alpina, Erigeron, Myrtensia alpina, Sedum &,