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[[underlined]] Caribou Mts. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Aug. 23, [[/underlined]]
We caught lots of Thomomys & Neotoma & Neosorex, Sorex & Microtus & shot a Conery. Waited to skin specimens and for Cary to catch the stage back to Afton at 10 A.M. Then Jewett and I drove to Freedom, where we got dinner and started up Tin Cup Creek over the Caribou Mts. via John Grays Lake to Idaho Falls.

Followed easy grade up Tin Cup to near its head, then over a low divide, or big open ridge, to the Dairy Ranch, 20 miles from Freedom, and camped a mile beyond by little creek in big sagebrush valley.

Freedom 6000, divide 7250, Camp 7200 feet.

The Caribou Mts. are largely big open ridges and valleys of sagebrush and fine range grass. The timber is mainly in spots and streaks on cold slopes or on snowy slopes. It is a broad, flat topped range with 

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I believe that the instructions say it is no longer necessary to indicate that there is a blank page, i.e., [[blank page]] [[end and start]]