Viewing page 39 of 67

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[[underlined]] Pocatello Plants [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Juniperus occidentalis [[/underlined]], abu. over hills on both sides of valley, specimens sent.
[[underlined]] Rhus trilobata, [[/underlined]] Com. in gulches.
[[underlined]] Atriplex canescens [[/underlined]], Com.
[[underlined]] Tetradynia canescens [[/underlined]], " [[ditto for Com.]]
[[underlined]] Chrysothamos graveolens [[/underlined]] " [[ditto for Com.]]
[[underlined]] " [[ditto for Chrysothamos]] tortifolia [[/underlined]] " [[ditto for Com.]]
[[underlined]] Giterrezia eutharae [[/underlined]] " [[ditto for Com.]]
[[underlined]] Artemisia tridentata [[/underlined]] " [[ditto for Com.]]
[[underlined]] " [[ditto for Artemisia]] trifida [[/underlined]] " [[ditto for Com.]]
[[underlined]] " [[ditto for Artemisia]] arbuscula [[/underlined]] a little on NE slopes
[[underlined]] Eurotia lanata [[/underlined]] com.
[[underlined]] Helianthus annuus [[/underlined]] " [[ditto for com.]]
[[underlined]] Kunzia tridentata [[/underlined]], on NE slopes
[[underlined]] Balsamorrhiza saggitifolia [[/underlined]], a little on NE slopes
[[underlined]] Plantago patagonica [[/underlined]] abu.
[[underlined]] Cleome integreplia [[/underlined]] " [[ditto for abu.]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

very thrifty and all vegetables and other garden crops are good. Grain & alfalfa are good out in the valley, the soil is very fine and white & makes bad dust. Broad leaved cottonwoods do well in town, A few pear trees and blue plums were seen with good looking fruit. Peach trees are common in yards, but no fruit on them at this season.

Took 4:25 train to McCammon and stopped off for over night. 

Followed up Marsh Creek valley, a narrow gulch between mountains and a stream of recent, black lava runs the whole length down the gulch from beyond McCammon to Pocatello. The creek cuts a shallow canyon in it in places, but the lava flow followed the gulch bottom. & is not very wide or deep.

Upper Sonoran zone does not run far up the canyon, not being much in evidence at Inkom. Only a trace reaches McCammon, where the valley is almost pure transition.

Transcription Notes:
Giterrezia eutharae = misspelling of Gutierrezia eleutherae