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[[underlined]] Plants of McCammon [[/underlined]]

Betula fontinalis, com. along creek

Salix 3 species, " " " [[ditto for com. along creek]]

Clematis " " " [[ditto for com. along creek]]

Prunus melanocarpa, " " " [[ditto for com. along creek]]

Kunzia tridentata " [[ditto for com.]]

Arnelauchies " [[ditto for com.]]

Ribes longiflorum " [[ditto for com.]]

Artemisia tridentata Abundant

" [[ditto for Artemisia]] ludoviciana, common.

Chrysothamnus tortifolia " [[ditto for common.]]

" [[ditto for Chrysothamnus]] graveolens, a little

Gutierrezia [[?]] comm.

Balsamorhiza sagittifolia a little 

Tetradymia canescens, 1 plant seen.

Berberis repens, common

Glycyrrhiza lepidota " [[ditto for common]]

Opuntia missouriensis, a little

Helianthus annuus, along railroad

Cleome integrifolia " " [[ditto for along railroad]]

Russian thistle " " [[ditto for along railroad]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] McCammon [[/underlined]]

It is a wide, sagebrush valley here, mostly used for "dry farming" grain. The bottom lands are irrigated from the creek & there are some little side creeks and springs apparently come out of the side gulches of the Mts. 

Ranges of rather low & barren Mts. run down both sides of the valley. There are patches of aspens and strips of spruces on their cold slopes, but they have the appearance of being shaped & burnt to the last degree. Transition zone probably runs up nearly to the top on SW slopes but their cold slopes are mainly Canadian down to the base of the steep slopes.

Apples do well here & some trees are loaded. Red Astrisan & Yellow Transparent are common. Some early corn has not been frosted yet. 

The successful dry farming indicates a good snow fall & probably a late spring. Still the grains are mostly harvested.