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[[underlined]] Sept. 16 [[/underlined]] - Went to Kentfield and spent parts of 3 days gathering information and notes on mammals, birds & plants.

[[underlined]] Sept. 19 [[/underlined]], Went to Point Reyes ^[[Station]] and set traps in big salt marshes near there hoping to get Microtus edax & a new Reithrodontomys & black rails but failed in all. Found Microtus californicus all over the marshes, no Reithrodontomys & caught only a Virignia rail.

[[underlined]] Sept. 20 [[/underlined]] went to Olema & Inverness and returned at night to Lagunitas. 

[[underlined]] Sept. 22 [[/underlined]] Caught an early train in to San Francisco and an evening train out for San Luis Obispo.

[[underlined]] Sept. 23 [[/underlined]] , Reached San Luis Obispo at 5:20 A.M. Climbed one of the high hills near town to get a view of the country & a list of plants & birds. Went up to 1300 feet
Wrote reports in afternoon.