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Odocoileus scaphiotus, abundant in mts. beyond where the trails go. Many are killed each season.

Sciurus nigripes, Common up among oaks & Spruce & pine & Umbillularia in higher canyons, 2000-4000 feet. Eat cones of digger pine & big cone spruce.

Eutamias merriami, Common in chapparel from 2000 to 4000 feet.

Neotoma   , common in chapparel

Perodipus?  , big one common in bottom of valleys

Perodipus?  , one common on steep slopes in chapparel at 3000 feet. Closed burrows seen. Maybe Dipodomys

Thomomys   , com. everywhere.
Fibs    , com in Mts.
Lynx   , " " [[dittos for com. in Mts.]]
Canis  , Common in valley
Urocyon  " " [[dittos for Common in valley]] & Mts.  eat Cascara berries & Prunus iberifolia.
Taxidea   , A few in valley
Procyon  , Common along streams.

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[[underlined]] Happy Canyon & Cachuma Creek [[/underlined]]

Sept. 29 & 30, Took saddle horse & rode up Happy Canyon, then over into Cachuma Creek canyon and up to Gonzale's ranch, where I left my horse & tried to climb San Rafael Peak. Got up about half way - to 3000 feet, and had to give it up. There are no trails up & the chapparel is so dense I could not even crawl under it. Came down into Cachumas canyon & followed up it till dark, 

Slept by a little fire until daylight & then went on up a trail to a peak west of the Cachuma to about 4500 feet. Got a good view of the range & good notes.

Found lots of Pseudotsuga macrocarpa on cold slopes and Pinus sabiniana on warm slopes. No very good Transition zone species, but plenty of maple, Quercus chrysolepis & Umbellularia.

Came back to ranch & rode back to Los Olivos.