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[[underlined]] Sisquoc R. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Oct. 4, [[/underlined]] Packed our burro and started up the river. Got a feast of pears, peaches, apples, grapes & figs at the Montgomery ranch, then stopped at the Upper Montgomery place for lunch, and continued up through the Narrows to the mouth of South Fork & camped after dark.

The trail is rocky and rough much of the way & we could not make good time. The river is low, little more than a good creek, but is full of fine trout that jump & bite an acorn or stick thrown into the water. I never saw better trout fishing but we had no time to fish & had to eat salt bacon.

Found our can of baking powder was only flower[[flour]] so I had to make tortillas. 

Beautiful camp spots all along the river and many signs of old camps. At present there are no campers, as the deer season is passed & the quail season not open. There are abundance of valley quail, a few mountain quail & lot of gray squirrels.