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Mr. Castro's son tells me that they rarely have frosts at their place in Tepusquet Canyon, sometimes 2 or 3 years without any. Says it is much warmer than the Santa Maria Valley.

They raise good figs & peaches and the next ranch raises walnuts & grapes but only Mission Grapes. 

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[[underlined]] Oct.9 [[/underlined]] Wrote reports & notes & packed specimens & arranged baggage for trip to Santa Maria River, Cuyama Valley Ozena & Bakersfield.

[[underlined]] Oct. 10 [[/underlined]], Started with team & diver for Tepusquet Canyon, lunched at Ms. M[[usla??]]'s in Foxen Canyon and stopped for the night at Senior Castro's in Tepusquet Canyon. Were most cordially entertained and could not induce Castro to accept any payment. 

[[underlined]] Oct. 11, [[/underlined]] Followed up Tepusquet Canyon to summit and over into Buckham Canyon and down it to Santa Maria R., (about 12 miles) then 10 miles up the river to Grays ranch where we camped Rather rough roads but a short days trip.

At Grays Ranch the valley is entirely cut off from moist west winds and many desert species appear. Pluchea serecia, Opuntia acanthocarpa & englemani, Artemisia tridentata, Bigelovia occidentalis, Guterrizia[[Gutierrezia]] ,