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[[underlined]] Ruby Valley, Nevada [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Oct. 20 [[/underlined]], 
Left Wells at 10 AM on the Western Pacific going east.

Over low pass to Ruby Valley there is mainly sagebrush, some Atriplex confertifolia, Guterrizia [[entlamae?]], Sarcobatus. On the sides of the pass junipers, & possibly nut pines, run up considerably higher.

This pass is evidently upper Sonoran as we have always mapped it.

The Ruby Mts. are covered with snow for 2000 feet down on cold slopes and there is some snow on the ranges to the S.E. and much on the [[Bruneans?]]

The R.R. runs down the east side of Ruby V. over great level plains of dry but good soil.

The vegetation is mainly sagebrush, Atriplex confertifolia, Saredotus, Eurotia, Guterizia, Bigelovia

At the far eastern edge of Ruby Valley we strike a little range and tunnel through a low place in its middle. It is mainly a juniper range, but over 

Transcription Notes:
I believe that the instructions say it is no longer necessary to indicate that there is a blank page, i.e., [[blank page]] [[end and start]]