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State of South Carolina )
Fairfield District      )

By John R. Buchanan Ordinary of said District.
[[indentation]] These are to authorize and empower you, or any three of four of you whose names are hereunder written to repair to all such parts and places within this State as you shall be directed unto by John Milling and Richard Nason, Executors of the Estate of Hugh Milling, deceased, wheresoever any of the said goods and chattels are or do remain within the said parts and places, which shall be shown unto you by the said John Milling and Richard Nason, and there view and appraise all and every the said goods and chattels, being first duly sworn on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God to make a true and perfect inventory and appraisement thereof, and to cause the same to be returned under your hands, or any three or four of you, unto the said John Milling and Richard Nason on or before the second Monday of August next.
[[Indentation]] Withness John R. Buchanan, Esquire,Ordinary of the said District, the ninth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thrity-seven and in the sixty first year of American Independence.
[[indentation]] To Messrs. James Phillips, Rich. Gladney, Thos. McDonell, David Milling and James Lemmon)John R. Buchanan, Ordinary. Memorandum. --That on the eighth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, personally appeared before me, James Phillips, one of the Justices assigned to keep the peace in the said District, Richard Gladney, Thos. McDonnell, David Milling and James Lemmon, being four of the appraisers appointed to appraise the goods and chattels of Hugh Milling-late of Fairfield District - deceased,