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Lindsay McGraw, paid | 1 lot carpenter's tools | $ .81 1/4
" " " [[ditto for Lindsay, ditto for McGraw, ditto for paid]] | 1 pr. candle sticks | .56 1/4
Richard A.R.Hallum | 325 acres land at $16.31 1/4 | 5301.56 1/4
|   | 17 1/2 bu. |  |   
70 " " " " [[ditto for Richard, ditto for A., ditto for R., ditto for Hallum]] | 1 lot corn, more or less 94 cents | 16.45
Robert Aiken, note, | 1 spotted cow and calf | 11.25
James Crawford,note, | 1 bridle " " " [[ditto for cow, ditto for and, ditto for calf]] | 8.00
Zacharish Gibson,note, | 1 yearling and calf | 2.50
" " " [[ditto for Zacharish, ditto for Gibson, ditto for note]] | 1 sow and pigs 2nd choice 5.00
75" " " [[ditto for Zacharish, ditto for Gibson, ditto for note]] | 1 " " " [[ditto for sow, ditto for and, ditto for pigs]] 3rd " [[ditto for choice]] | 5.00
A. W. Young | 1 large pided cow and calf | 12.00
" " " [[ditto for A., ditto for W., ditto for Young]] | 1 brown cow and calf | 8.25
" " " [[ditto for A., ditto for W., ditto for Young]] | 5 shoats @ $1.00 per shoat | 5.00
Robt. Hamilton, note | 1 brown cow and calf | 8.50
80 " " " [[ditto for Robt., ditto for Hamilton, ditto for note]] | 1 brown cow and calf | 7.50
Sam'l Clarke, paid | 1 sow and pigs 1st choice | 5.75
Cap't. Jno.Delaney, paid | 1 lot leather | .75
James Bell, note | 40 bu. corn @ 89 cents | 35.60
" " " [[ditto for James, ditto for Bell, ditto for note]] | 40 bu. of corn @ 92 cents | 36.80
85 " " " [[ditto for James, ditto for Bell, ditto for note]] | 40 bu. of corn @ 88 cents | 35.20
Dr Jennings " [[ditto for note]] | 40 bu. corn @ 90 cents | 36.00
" " " [[ditto for Dr, ditto for Jennings, ditto for note]] | 1 clock | 10.00
|   | 150 for Jno.Harvey |   |
" " " [[ditto for Dr, ditto for Jennings, ditto for note]] | 1 lot medical book | 4.50
John McGready, note | Fodder 98 cents takes two stacks | 10.62 1/2
90 John Lemmon " [[ditto for note]] | " [[ditto for Fodder]] 96 cents " " " [[ditto for takes, ditto for two, ditto for stacks]] | 9.14
" " " [[ditto for John, ditto for Lemmon, ditto for note]] | writing desk | 2.87 1/2
Samuel Rice, note | Fodder 41 cents 8 stacks the balance | 48.49
|   | note |   |
" " [[ditto for Samuel, ditto for Rice]] for Thos.Sloan | Hannah and 3 children | 1000.00
Alex.Hindman, paid | 6 vol. of Henry Comentary | 12.50
95 David Aiken, note | Negro Amy and child | 526.00
Thos. Stitt, note | Charles | 523.00
97 Wm.Murry | 559 acres land in Spartanburg District $3.50 per acre | 1956.00
[[line indicating total]]
$11507.65 1/2
Richard Nason