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By Thos. Still note | $  525.60
"[[ditto for By]] Thos. Sloan "[[ditto for note]] | 1000.00
"[[ditto for By]] P. Jennings "[[ditto for note]] | 156.60
"[[ditto for By]] Jno.Milling "[[ditto for note]] | 700.75
"[[ditto for By]] Richd. A. Hollaman note | 16.00
"[[ditto for By]] Ala Younguers "[[ditto for note]] | 25.25
"[[ditto for By]] Sam Rices "[[ditto for note]] | 48.40
"[[ditto for By]] Elisha Morriss' due bill for remain's plank | [[underlined]]2.70[[/underlined]]
  | $12434.31¼                               

Received 1837 ---  $1075.10
         1838 --- [[underlined]]$11359.21¼[[/underlined]]

Richard Nason