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Commission on $14275.11 pd. @ 2 1/2 [[underlined]] $351.87 [[/underlined]]
Deduct commission on Executor legacy and Acct. C [[underlined]] 5.17 [[/underlined]]
Add. Bal. of Ordinary fees $3529.94
[[underlined]] 2.53 $3532.47 [[/underlined]]

It is divised by the will to be divided among the following persons, viz:
Robert Milling $1342.83
Peggy Nason 1342.83
Elizabeth Bonis(since deceased left heirs) 1342.83
Isabella Owens 1342.83
Children of Mary Harris,dec. 1342.83
" " [[ditto for Children, ditto for of]] David Milling 1342.83
Laura Glenn,Child of Sara Glenn,deceased, 1342.83
John Milling, 1342.83

Richard Major.