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The estate of H. Milling, Deceased.

[[4 column table]]

1839 | To Ordinary's recpt. | 30 | $ 1.75

Jan.28 - | "[[ditto for To]] May 1838 to searching Comptroller's office and certificate with Secretary of State's certificate and seal this acct. not admitted on the first return on account of its being joined to acct. expenses but promised to be admitted next return |3.00

Feb.26 | To cash pd.heirs of John Finckler legacy | 32 | 28.56 1/4

Mar. 6 | To Samuel Dalker recpt.legacy for the heirs of J.P.Milling,Deceased | 33 | 183.00

"[[ditto for Mar.]] 15 | To recording mortgage in Spartanburg | 34 | 1.50

"[[ditto for Mar.]] 30 To Hugh A. Milling in part legacy | 35 | 170.00

Apr.15 | To tax receipt for 1838 | 36 | .30

May 4 | To cash paid the heirs of John Finckler | 37 | 93.43 3/4

Dec.17 | To cash paid Hugh A. Milling legacy | 38 | 110.00

1840 | To cash pd. Charles Bell, agt. for Jas.McKell legacy | 39 | [[underlined]] 331.78 [[/underlined]]
[[total]] $893.33 

[[3 column table]]
July 1 | By a credit on Richard A.R.Hallman Bond | $250.00

  | Bal of sale rec'd on day of sale | [[underlined]] 17.84 [[/underlined]]
[[total]] $269.84

Richard Mayor.