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John Milling, Executor, in account with Estate of Hugh Milling.

Nov.9 - To amt. in hands of Executor, see return E $268.37
Nov.9 - By order by *** for Ret.E $1.00
" " " " [[ditto for By, ditto for order, ditto for by, ditto for for]] Ret. 3.00
Commission $268.57 [[underlined]] 6.70 10.70 [[/underlined]]
Amt.for Disbursements 1848 $257.67

To wit 7 shares
David T. Milling,deceased (3 heirs)$ 36.81
Marg. & Richard Nason 36.81
Elizabeth Bonis, Dr. 36.81
Mary Harris 36.81
John Milling 36.81
Sarah Glenn,deceased (1 heir) 36.81
Isabella H. Owens [[underlined]] 36.81 [[/underlined]]

9 Nov. 1894

M.Milling, Executor.