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[[ink double underlined]]From family records of Chas. C.Carroll:[[/omk double underlined]]

Charles Montgomery, one of eight brothers and sisters, all of whom came from Londonderry, Ireland, in 1773, married Margaret Reynolds in 1774. They had 12 children, six boys and six girls. One of their daughters was Sarah Montgomery who married her first cousin, William Bell, and their oldest son, William Bell, married Margaret Milling in S.C. in 1834. They had seven children. This family moved to Oktibeha Co. Miss. where they have numerous descendants.

Charles Montgomery and his wife Margaret Reynolds had a daughter, Jane Montgomery, their second child. She married her first cousin, James Bell, a brother of the William Bell above who married Sarah Montgomery. James Bell and his wife Jane Montgomery were my great grandparents on the maternal side, my mother being Ellen Virginia Bell, daughter of James Bell and his second wife Martha E.Puller, and granddaughter of James Bell and Jane Montgomery.

Charles Montgomery had a sister, Margaret Montgomery, who married my great great grandfather, Bell, and they had 12 children, among whom were the William Bell and James Bell, who married their first cousins Sarah and Jane Montgomery.

Charles Montgomery and Capt. Hugh Milling both lived in Fairfield District, S.C. Both of them were Revolutionary Soldiers and my daughter Dorothy is a member of the D.A. R. through descent from both of them.

The Montgomery, Bell, Glenn, Nason, and Milling families intermarried. One of Capt. Hugh Milling's daughters married a Glenn. My grandfather James Bell's first wife was Mary Glenn, who was related to the Montgomery family. The Glenns, Millings, Montgomery and Bells went from Scotland to North Ireland and from there to Virginia and South Carolina, principally S. C. In Scotland, the Millings and Bells belonged to the same Clan.
