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through Chicago connections, I was appointed Resident Surgeon, Topeka State Hospital, Topeka, Kansas. I did all the state Sterilization Operations and other surgery for that institution for 4 1/2 years and was paid $200 a month and full maintenance. In 1935 I came here as assistant and partner to Dr. Boudreau a general surgeon with a good many industrial appointments. In 1937 I went to Chicago for two months graduate work in Radiation Therapy and among my other jobs I am Roentgenologist for our hospital and cancer clinic here. I married a Kansas girl, Berniece Brumm, of English & German descent, and we have a son, Robert Milling, Jr., two years old. Of course Robert is the joy of our lives and is an up and coming youngster. 

Trusting that this letter finds you in better health and with kindest personal regards to the other members of the family and yourself, I am
Yours truly,

R. M. Brian
