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Began career as ^[[2nd Lieutenant, 15th Cavalry, U. S. Army,]] Date ^[[April, 1911. detailed for course of instruction in flying with The Wright Brothers, Dayton, ohio.]]

[[strikethrough]] Business, [[/strikethrough]] Professional [[strikethrough]] or amateur [[/strikethrough]] record in ^[[/Army]] aviation in chronological order [[/preprinted]] On continuous aeronautical duty with U. S. Army from April, 1911 to July [[strikethrough]] 15 [[/strikethrough]] 31, 1933 ; flying instruction Wright School, Dayton, Ohio, April and May, 1911; assisted in establishing First Army Aviation School, College Park, Maryland, June, 1911; instructor in flying, Army Aviation Schools, College Park, Md. and Augusta, Ga., 1911, 1912 and 1913; participated in International Aviation Meets at Boston, Mass. and Nassau Boulevard, L. I., N. Y., September 1911. At Boston, won the Tri-State Race for biplanes, one of the longest cross-country events to that date- at Nassau Boulevard, established a new World's Duration Record for pilot and two passengers of 1 hour, 54', 42-3/5"; successfully conducted tests in the observation of artillery fire with radio and dropped messages at Fort Riley,Kan., 1912; conducted tests of machine gun fire and bomb- dropping [[strikethrough]] from [[/strikethrough]] at College Park, Md., 1912; served with Aviation Detachment, Texas City, Tex., for expe^[[c]]ted service in Mexico, 1913; es^[[ta]]blished American cross-country and endurance record, pilot with one passenger, March 28, 1913, Texas City, Tex., to San Antonio, Tex., 220 miles,- 4 hours 22 minutes; In charge of flying training, Army Aviation School, San Diego, Calif., 1913; duty with foreign aviation schools in France, Germany, Austria and England, 1913-1914; with First Aero Squadron, Galveston, Tex., 1914; commander, Aviation Detachment, Brownsville, Tex., 1915; in charge of flying training, Army Aviation School, San Diego, Calif., 1914-1915; served with First Aero Squadron, Fort Sill, Okla. and San Antonio, Tex., 1915; tested first automatic camera from airplane, Fort Sill, 1915; In charge of flying training, War Department, Washington, D. C., 1916-1917; organized and supervised
[[preprinted]] PRESENT BUSINESS AFFILIATIONS Corporations or firms Your title or position [[/preprinted]]
first [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] flying schools for Reserve Army Aviators, 1916; Chief of Air Service Training, American E. F., 1917; Air Service Training, General Staff, A. E. F., 1918; Commanding American Air Service Units, Toul Sector, A. E. F., June to August, 1918; Chief of Staff, Air Service,First Army, A. E. F., ^[[I,]] September and October, 1918; Chief of Air Service, First Army, A. E. F., October, 1918 to January, 1919; Assistant to Chief of Air Service Training and Operations, War Department, March, 1919 to June, 1920;Officer in Charge, Air Service Field Officers School, Langley Field, Va., 1920-1925; student, Air Service Engineering School, Dayton, Ohio, 1925-1926; student Command and General Staff School, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 1926-1927; in charge,Training and Operations Section, Air Corps, War Department, 1927-1930; military instructor, Colorado National Guard Observation Squadron, Denver, Colo., 1932; duty at ARmy Aviation Station, San Diego, Calif., 1931.

[[preprinted]] Military [[strikethrough]] or civic [[/strikethrough]] record [[/preprinted]] Cadet, Military Academy, June 15, 1905;2nd Lieuteneant, Cavalry, June11, 1909; 1st Lieutenant, Aviation Section Signal Corps, July 14, 1916; 1st Lieutenant, Cavalry, June 12, 1916; Captain, Av^[[i]]ation Section, Signal Corps, July 31, 1916; Captain, Cavalry, May 15, 1917; Lt. Col., Aviation Section Signal Corps, National Army, Aug. 5, 1917; Colonel, Air Service, Aug. 14, 1918; Major, U.S. Army, July 1, 1920; Colonel, retired for physical disability, July 31, 1933; Brigadier General, Retired, June 13, 1940. Distinguished Service Medal, United States; Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, France; Officer, Order of the Leopold, Belgium.
[[preprinted]] Special honors, awards, etc.

Officer (give title) of the following public, aeronautical or educational instructions [[/preprinted]]