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course at A.S. M.S.: became engineer officer of the 166th Squadron, later C.O.
Flying Rating: Reserve Military Aviator, April 3, 1918; A. C. of A. Aviator's certificate. 
Present Occupation: General Manager of the Eastern Airways Corp. now organizing to operate a line of large ships between Chicago and New York.
Address: 5427 Prairie Ave., Chicago, Ill. 

Edwin Rickards Michie 
MICHIE, EDWIN RICKARDS. Executive; born, Calcutta, E. India; son of John Shaplan Michie and Katherine (Rickards) Michie; married, Mabel G. Sylvester, Jan. 16, 1904.
Educated: Private Schools: E. M., Truro S.M. Dulwich College, Cambridge University, England.
Professional: General Manager, Northern Pyrities Co.; Vice Pres., Sylvester Manufacturing Co. (implements and motors); Vice President, Ordnance Engineering Corp.
Aeronautical Activities: Manufacturing airplanes for U. S. Government and civilians.
Member: Lawrence Park C.C.; New York Athletic Club; S. A. E. Aero Club of America. 
Present Occupation: Vice President, Ordnance Engineering Corp.
Address: 120 Broadway, N. Y.: home, 440 Pelham Manor Road, Pelham, N. Y. 

Carl A. Miller
MILLER, CARL A., Banking Business; born, East Millstone, N. J., July 31, 1891; son of August C. Miller and Carolyn P. Miller; married, Charlotte Sanford Baker, Nov. 3, 1915.
Educated: Peekskill Military Academy; B.S. 1911, New York University; C.E. 1912, New York University.
Professional: One year as Assistant Instructor in Engineering in New York University; automobile business in Cincinnati, Ohio; 1913, American Telephone & Telegraph Co., New York; 1920, Assistant Manager, Business Extension Department, Irving National Bank, New York, 1920 to date. 
Aeronautical Activities: Entered U. S. Air Service, Sept. 1917 and was detailed for service in the Office of the Director of Military Aeronautics at Washington as Executive Officer of the Section in Charge of Training the enlisted Mechanics Personnel for the Air Service; assisted in organization of enlisted Mechanics' Training School, St. Paul, Minn.; flying training, beginning March 1918, Bolling, Langley, and Chanute Fields; continued flying at various fields until discharged from the Army. 
Flying Rating: Reserve Military Aviator, Jan. 1919. 
War Service: Commissioned 1st Lieut., Signal Corps, U. S. Army and assigned to Air Service, Sept. 1917; promoted to Captain, Aug. 1918; discharged, Jan. 1919 as Major of the Reserve Corps. 
Member: Ardsley Club, Ardsley-on-the-Hudson. 
Present Occupation: Assistant Manager, Business Extension Department, Irving national Bank.
Address: 233 Broadway; home, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y.

Euclid Dennis Miller
MILLER, EUCLID DENNIS, Oceanic Cables; born, Rock Island, Tenn., Nov. 1, 1885; son of William V. D. Miller and Emma (Dunlap) Miller; married, Wanda McCauley, Nov. 4, 1919.
Educated: Public schools, McMinnville, Tenn.; Holbrook Prep. School and Burritt College.
Professional: Telegrapher and newspaper man 1905-1916; army, 1917-1919; 1919 to date, with Cuban-American Telephone Co., Havana, Cuba.
Aeronautical Activities: May 1918 to July, Post Field; observers school at Selfridge Field, July-Sept., 1918; Oct.-Nov. 1918, at the observers school, Tours, France.
Flying Rating: Aerial Observer, Sept. 1918.
Member: American Legion.
Present Occupation: Maintenance of communication over Havana-Key West cables.
Address: Box 945, Cuban-American Telephone and Telegraph Co., Havana, Cuba; home, Rock Island, Tenn.

John William Miller
MILLER, JOHN WILLIAM, Consulting, Civil and Aeronautical Engineer; born, Dawson, Ill., Feb. 22, 1880; son of John H. Miller and Ida A. (Nichols) Miller; married, Florence Lovetinsky, 1909.
Educated: Public schools of Friend, Nebr.; B.Sc, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 1905, University of Nebraska.
Professional: Expert Mechanic, McCormick Harvesting Machine Co., 1896-1897; Consulting Engineer, City of Friend, Nebr., 1903; Assistant Engineer, Chicago & Northwestern Ry., 1905-1906; Locating Engineer, C. B. & Q. R. R., 1907; Tester, Cushman Motor Co., Lincoln, Nebr., 1908; Division Engineer, C. B. & Q. R. R., 1909; Assistant Professor,  Civil Engineering, University of Washington, 1909-1919; in charge of part of survey of Camp Lewis Cantenment, 1917; Chief Engineer, Boeing Airplane Co., July 1917 to Jan. 1919; Professor in charge of Aeronautics,  University of Washington, 1919; Consulting Engineer, American Aircraft Corp., 1920; President and Chief Engineer, J. W. Miller Aircraft Corp., Seattle, Wash., June 1910 to date.
Aeronautical Activities: Built and flew gliding machines, 1895-1905; did photographic reconnaissance surveying from own plane 1909; lectured on aeronautics and did experimental work, 1909-1917; Chief Engineer on development of plant of Boeing Airplane Company and in design of aircraft, 1917-1919; designed sport plane for American Aircraft Corp., 1920.
Member: Assoc. Member, American Society of Civil Engineers; Honorary Member, Aero Club of the Northwest; Automobile Club of Western, Wash.; Elks Club; Kappa Sigma.
Present Occupation: President and Chief Engineer, J. W. Miller Aircraft Corp.
Address: 8664-10th Ave., N. E., Seattle, Wash.

[[image - photo of Thomas DeWitt Milling]]
[[caption]] Thomas DeW. Milling [[/caption]]

Leland Wilbur Miller
MILLER, LELAND WILBUR, 1st Lieut., Air Service; born, Galesburg, Kans., Nov. 26, 1894; son of Robert Ellis Miller and Ada Moore (Denious) Miller; married, Marjorie Dee, March 7, 1919.
Educated: High school, Omaha, Nebr.; Electrical Engineering, Purdue University.
Aeronautical Activities: Ground School, Austin, Tex., Nov. 1917 to Jan. 1918; special mapping course, Rockwell Field, 1918; photographic and mapping work, 1918, 1919, 1920; bombing at Langley Field, 1921.
Flying Rating: Reserve Military Aviator, Aug. 1918: Airplane Pilot.
War Service: 1st Officer's Training Camp, Fort Snelling, Minn., May 1917 to Aug. 1917.
Present Occupation: Instructor, U. S. Army School of Aerial Photography.
Address: Langley Field, Va.

Ray S. Miller
MILLER, RAY S., Commercial Aviator; born, Van Wert, Ohio, Aug. 14, 1891; son of John N. Miller and Anna B. Miller.
Educated: Public schools of Van Wert, Ohio; one year, Fremont College, Nebr.
Professional: Manager, family estate, 1909-1916; 1916-1921, Civilian and Army Aviator.
Aeronautical Activities: Civilian flier, 1916-1917; army flier, 1917-1918; Chief Pilot for Curtiss N. W. Airplane Co., 1919-1921.
Flying Rating: Reserve Military Aviator.
War Service: Army, Dec. 1917 to March 1919.
Present Occupation: Chief Pilot for Curtiss N. W. Airplane Co.; Maj. in Command, Minn. National Guard Aero Squadron.
Address: 707 Met Bank Bldg.; home 3133 Calhoun Blvd., Minneapolis, Minn.

Roy Gilman Miller
MILLER, ROY GILMAN, Aeronautical Engineer; born, Peoria, Fla., June 21, 1893; son of Maj. Charles Dana Miller and Mary (Murdoch) Miller; married, Muriel MacGregor, Sept. 4, 1918.
Educated: Public schools of Newark, Ohio; B.S., 1916, Case School of Applied Science.
Professional: Packard Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich., 1916-1917.
Aeronautical Activities: Aviation Section, Signal Corps, June 1917; Flying Officer, Jan. 1918 to Jan. 1919; student in post-graduate course in Aeronautical Engineering, M.I.T., May to Sept. 1918; instructor in post-graduate course in Aeronautical Engineering, M.I.T., Oct. 1918 to Jan. 1919; member of Technical Staff, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Langley Field, Sept. 1919 to Feb. 1921; Aeronautical Engineer with Naval Aircraft Factory, Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 1921 to date.
Flying Rating: Reserve Military Aviator, Jan. 1918.
War Service: Army, May 1917 to Jan. 1919.
Member: Society of Automotive Engineers.
Present Occupation: Aeronautical Engineer.
Address: Naval Aircraft Factory, Philadelphia, Pa.; home, 225 Pennsylvania Road, Brooklawn, N. J.

Thomas DeWitt Milling

MILLING, THOMAS De WITT, Major, Air Service; born, Winnfield La., July 31, 1887; son of Robert E. Milling and Ida (Roberts) Milling.
Educated: Public schools of Franklin, La., U. S. Military Academy.
Professional: 1909, U. S. Military Academy; 2nd Lieut., 15th Cavalry, Sept. 1909 to April 1911; on duty with Aviation Section, Signal Corp. as 1st Lieut., Captain, and Major, to Aug. 1917; Lt. Col. and Col., Air Service to April 1920.
Aeronautical Activities: On continuous aeronautical duty since April 1911; received instruction in flying at Wright School, Dayton, Ohio, 1911; assisted in establishing First Army Aviation School, College Park, Md., 1911; instructor in flying, 1911, 1912, and 1913; entered International Meets, Boston and New York, 1911, broke world's endurance record, carrying two passengers, also won Tri-State Race, one of the longest cross-country events at that time; successfully conducted tests in the observation of artillery fire from airplane, using both radio and dropped messages, at Fort Riley, Kansas, 1912; served with the First Aviation Detachment, stationed at Texas City, Tex., for expected service in Mexico, 1913; established a new American Air Service distance and endurance record, with passenger, by making a non-stop flight at San Antonio, Tex., distance 220 mi., return flight made in same manner, 1913; Officer in Charge of flying training, Army Aviation School, San Diego, Calif., 1913; on duty in France, Germany, Austria, and England, attending foreign aviation schools and studying aeronautical conditions in Europe, fall of 1913, spring of 1914; served with First Aero Squadron, Galveston, Tex., 1914; commanded Aviation Detachment on Mexican Border, Brownsville, Tex., 1915; Officer in Charge of flying training, Army Aviation School, San Diego, Calif., 1914 and 1915; served with First Aero Squadron, Fort Sill, Okla. and San Antonio, Tex., 1915; conducted tests on first automatic camera from airplane, 1915; Officer in Charge of flying training, War Department, 1916-1917; organized first flying school for instruction of Reserve Military Aviators, 1916; Chief of Air Service Training, A. E. F., 1917; member of Training Section, General Staff A. E. F., 1918.
Flying Rating: Pilot's Certificate No. 30, July 6, 1911; Expert Aviator's Certificate No. 3, Sept. 1911; first Military Aviator, U. S. Army, July 5, 1912; Junior Military Aviator, July 22, 1914; Military Aviator, Aug. 8, 1917; Airplane Pilot, Oct. 5, 1920.
War Service: Chief of Air Service Training, A. E. F., Sept. 3, 1917 to Jan. 3, 1918; member of Training Section, General Staff, A. E. F., to June 4, 1918; Commanding Officer, American Air Service Units, Toul Sector, to Aug. 24, 1918; Chief of Staff, Air Service, First Army, to Oct. 18, 1918; Chief of Air Service, First Army, to Jan. 25, 1919; returned to U. S., Feb. 1919; Assistant to Chief of Training and Operations, Air Service, March 1919 to June 1920; Officer in Charge, Air Service Field Officer's School, 1921.
War Honors: Awarded Distinguished Service Medal; Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, by France; Officer of the Order of Leopold, by Belgium.
Member: Chevy Chase Club; Racquet Club; Army and Navy Club ,(Wash.); Aero Club of America; Society of Automotive Engineers.
Present Occupation: Officer in Charge, Air Service Field Officers School, Langley Field, Va.
Address: Langley Field, Va.

Harry Bowers Mingle
MINGLE, HARRY BOWERS, Lawyer; born, Lock Haven, Pa., April 18, 1876; son of Sampson Quiggle Mingle and Rosanna (Bowers) Mingle; married, Millicent Brown Dyer, June 2, 1906.