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Individual flight reports to be furnished every officer or enlisted man of the Aviation Section of the Signal Corps, who for any reason engages in aerial flights and also to any other individual in or out of the service, who engages in aerial flights in machines belonging to the United States Army and pertaining to the military service, two copies to be forwarded at the end of each flight week to the organization commander to which the machine belongs, one of which is to be forwarded by the organization commanders to the Chief Signal Officer of the Army, the third to be retained in the personal file of the individual. If the individual be on detached service and makes a flight or flights, connected with the military service, on machines not belonging to any particular organization of the Aviation Section of the Signal Corps, one copy only will be forwarded to the Chief Signal Office of the Army, and a second copy is to be retained by the individual for his personal file.


By "pilot" is meant a person who controls the machine and does not come under the classes enumerated below. The flight will be known as an "A" flight.

By "observer" is meant a person who is taken up the accomplishing of some specific military duty, either to observe for military purposes, or as an assistant for any purposes, etc. The flight will be known as a "B" flight.

By "passenger" is meant a person who is taken up for a ride with no specific military task to be performed. The flight will be known as a "C" flight.

By "pupil" is meant a person taken up for instruction in flying and will apply only to aviation students or other service fliers being instructed in the particular features of any machine or in any aerial maneuver. The flight will be known as a "D" flight.

Under the column headed "Observer, passenger, or pupil," and after the name of the person entered therein, will be placed the proper letter, viz, "B," "C," or "D," to designate the nature of the flight. 

Under the column headed "Remarks" will be entered any particular features or notable events connected with the flight.   


Form 290-1916