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RECORD OF FLIGHTS ^[[for week ending Dec. 26, 1914]]

[[3 column table]]
  | Hrs. | Mins |
TIME FORWARD | ^[[78]] | ^[[02]] 
[[underlined]] TIME WEEK |^[[1]] |^[[14]] |[[/underlined]]
TOTAL TIME | ^[[79]] | ^[[16]] |  

by ^[[1st LT. Thomas DeW Milling, S. C.]] at  ^[[North Island, San Diego, California.]]

[[9 column table]]
DATE | AEROPLANE | PASSENGER | START |  FINISH | ALTITUDE | [[strikethrough]] WIND DIRECTION [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Duration]] | WIND VELOCITY MILES P H| REMARKS ^[[ASC]] |
Dec.21|#24|   |7:35 |7:41| 600| :06|   |   |
"[[ditto for Dec. 21]]| "[[ditto for #24]]| Capt. Patterson| 8:20| 9:28| 3800| 1:08| 25|
Motor began missing at Oceanside, continued acting badly. Four (4) miles south of San Onofre was forced to land in a soft plowed field with a strong gusty side wind blowing. Turned machine over. East wind at 3000 feet of about 65-70 miles: at 1800 feet wind about 50 miles.

The following was damage to the machine: spokes one wheel, vertical rudder, and wings and propeller broken. Cam shaft bent.

The second flight was for the purpose of reporting at Los Angeles for participation, December 22, 1914. in the 
annual Mackay Trophy Contest.|

Duration..............1 Hr. 14 Mins.

[[Signature]] T. D. Milling,[[/signature]]
1st Lieut. Signal Corps. U.S.A.

[[stamped]] O.C.S.O. JAN - 5 1915 [[/stamped]]