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RECORD OF FLIGHTS ^[[for week ending Dec. 12, 1914]]

[[3 column table]]
|  | Hrs. | Min.
TIME FORWARD | ^[[74]] | ^[[02]] 
[[underlined]] TIME WEEK |  |^[[31]] |[[/underlined]]
TOTAL TIME | ^[[74]] | ^[[33]] |  
[[/3 column table]]

by ^[[1st Lt. Thomas DeW Milling, S.C.]] at ^[[North Island, San Diego, California.]

[[9 column table]]
DATE | AEROPLANE | PASSENGER | START |  FINISH | ALTITUDE | [[strikethrough]] WIND DIRECTION [[/strikethrough]] ^[[duration]] | WIND VELOCITY MILES P H| REMARKS ^[[ASC]] |
Dec. 10th | #24 |   | 9.49| 9.58 | 300 | :09 |   |
11th | " [[ditto for #24]] |   | 11.10 | 11.17 | 500 | :07 |   |
12th | " [[ditto for #24]] |   | 10.05 | 10.12 | 300 | :07 |   |
|   | " [[ditto for #24]] | Mr. Loening | 10.20 | 10.25 | 300 | :05 |   |
|   | " [[ditto for #24]] | " [[ditto for Mr. Loening]] | 10.35 | 10.38 | 100 | :03 |   |

Duration................31 Mins.

[[Signature]] T.D. Milling,[[/signature]]
1st Lieut. Signal Corps. U.S.A.

[[stamped]] O.C.S.O. DEC 23 1914 [[/stamped]]