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May 3, 1938.

Mr. H. B. Moore, 

Texas City, Texas.

Dear Mr. Moore:

I am sorry to have missed you when you were in last week, but you struck me at a very busy time. In fact I do not recall when my schedule has been more full.

I regret that I will not be at the Transportation Corps A.E.F. Dinner on the 21st, as I could not arrange my schedule so as to be present. Please give my greetings to any of my old friends who are present.

The names and addresses which you want I think are as follows:
Major Thomas Dewitt Milling, U.S. Army, retired, University Club, Denver, Colorado.

Major William C. Sherman, Air Corps, deceased. Major Sherman died November 22, 1927, at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, of pneumonia. His father, A.G. Sherman, at one time resided in Macon, Georgia, but no information is available as to whether or not he is now alive. Major Sherman's wife was Dixie Milling Sherman, sister of Major Thomas Dewitt Milling, and daughter of Honorable Robert E. Milling, a prominent judge of New Orleans and Franklin, Louisiana. No information is available as to whether Mrs. Sherman or her father are still living, but Major Milling could probably supply this information, as well as other information as to next of kin of his former brother-in-law.

I know that Major Milling would be delighted to receive an air mail letter stamped in commemoration of his flight.

With best regards, I am 

Sincerely yours,
[[signature]] Malin Craig [[/signature]]