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Milling, T. Dewitt, Brig. Gen. USAF. BIOG, File- Folder No.4. 

No. 14- Copy Signal Corps flight report- R-26-1964-1913
Subject- Report on trip from Texas city, Texas to San Antonio, Texas and returns, in Burgess wright tractor biplane NO.9
Second Lieutenants T. Dewitt, Milling and Willian C. Sherman
To-Chief Signal Officer of the army
First Aero Squadron
Texas City, Texas

April 1st, 1913
National Air and Space Museum Historical Research center, Smithsonian Institution

No.15- Copy- News clipping- R-26-1964
One of the world's foremost Aviators By Jackson Campbell Lieutenant USA. 
ILL- Lieutenant T. Dewitt Milling Town of Alta Loma taken from a scout plane lieutenant milling and a passenger in his biplane ready to fly the war hydro aviation field, camps and Texas City, Taken from scout aeroplane.
The Daily Picayune. 
New Orleans LA.
Sunday July 27th, 1913
National Air and space museum Historical research center, Smithsonian Institution.