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912631 M. S. 

[[letterhead ]] WAR DEPARTMENT,
WASHINGTON, [[/letterhead]]

August 15th 1904.

Hon. Murphy J. Foster,
United States Senator,

Dear Sir:

Referring to your letter of the 10th instant,in which you ask to be informed whether or not a certificate of graduation in May next,from St. Mary's Central High School,will exempt your cadet appointee to the Military Academy, Mr. Thomas De Witt Milling from the mental examination,the Secretary of War desires me to inform you that the matter is one which is placed by the regulations entirely in the hands of the Academic Board,and that your communication,together with its enclosures,has therefore been referred to the Superintendent at West Point for the consideration of the Board.

Very respectfully, 
[[signature]] [[FL Cunningham?]] [[/signature]]
The Military Secretary.