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THE BOSTON GLOBE [[tear in page, illegible]] [[?]]SDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1911
[[line across page]]
[[column 1]]
[[short line in center of column]]
Cheering and Demonstration
Notable in Aviation History
[[short line in center of column]]
Ovington Gets All of Globe Prize---
$1000 Consolation to Stone.
[[short line in center of column]]
Former to Make His Next Big Flight
From Pacific to Atlantic.
[[short line in center of column]]
The great event of the Harvard-Boston aviation meet at Atlantic yesterday was the $10,000 Boston Globe tri-state contest for monoplanes which was won by Earle L. Ovington. And it is doubtful if there ever was anything more spectacular on an aviation field than the reception which Earle L. Ovington received when he alighted after having completed the 160-mile course.

He was lifted on the shoulders of his fellow aviators at the meet, led by Claude Grahame-White and Eugene V. Ely, and carried around the field in triumph while the 25,000 or more people around the aerodrome cheered and the whistles on the water craft that crowded the bay screeched, and thousands of automobiles honked and the band played the "Star Spangled Banner" -- for Ovington is an American, a Boston boy and a graduate of Tech.

And Mayor John F. Fitzgerald led the cheering all he way as he did an hour later when Lieut T. D. Milling of the U S army alighted on the field, where a huge bonfire had been lighted to guide him in the dusk. the winner of the first prize in the $7500 biplane contest over the same Globe course that Ovington flew--from Boston to Nashua, N. H. to Worcester, Mass, to Providence, R. I. and back to the aviation field at Atlantic.
[[short line in center of column]]
Ovation All Along the Line.
The reception which these two victors received yesterday  in the greatest cross-country contests ever flown in this country is something which those who had the privilege of witnessing them will never forget. And it was not only the great crowd in and around the aviation field at Atlantic that gave these aviators a splendid reception--they got an ovation all along the line of flight over the most thickly settled portion of the United States, in a similar area, and   the crowds at the three cities in which the aviators stopped were the greatest [[column cut off]]
[[end column 1]]
[[start column 2]]
the mayor in front frantically cheering, the crowd that followed also cheering, and the immense crowd on every side cheering and cheering as the victor was carried down the line in front of both grandstands.

It certainly was an ovation, and the cheers were caught up by the autos, the boats in the bay, the crowds around [[Squantum?]] and the noise all around the field lasted for some minutes.
[[short line in center of column]]
Across Continent Trip Next.
Then Ovington was let down from the shoulders of his admirers and the cheering was repeated as he walked back to the committee house. Here he was surrounded by newspaper men and he had to tell the story of his wonderful flight to them, and incidentally he announced that his next big flight would be across the continent, from the Pacific to the Atlantic.

"I thoroughly understand this cross-country flying now," he said. "The way to do it is fly about 6000 feet and steer by compass."

Ovington said he felt pretty cold when he landed, but in every other respect he felt all right. "I had a bully time," was the way he expressed it. His own account of his flight is in another column.

He was congratulated by Adams D. Claftin, Capt James C, Barr, Timothy Byrnes, Prof Willson, Prof Rotch, Joseph B. Millet, Hugh Bancroft and everybody else that could get at him, and his hand was almost shaken off him. He had done the thing which many people said could not be done, and he did it in great--in finished style.

But it was a great day for such an event; as one aviator put it "It was made to order for flying."

The sky was clear, the wind blew lightly from the south-southwest, and when Ovington arrived on the field there was such a gorgeous sunset as is seldom seen in this vicinity.

It was picturesquely impressive, and after something like quiet had been restored on and around the field after [[column cut off]] a cry went up, [[column cut off]]
[[end column 2]]
[[start column 3]]
Ovington Flying Over the [[Gro?]][[tear in paper]] [[?nd Stand at Atlantic Preparatory
To [[Land?]] [[tear in paper]] [[?ing]] at Finish of His Remarkable Flight
fortunes--had overtaken Atwood, and Milling had won the prize of %5000, besides making a record as a cross-country flyer.

Milling was taken from the field under escort of W. Starting Burgess and Greeley H. Curtis and that ended one of the most successful days ever seen in this country on the aviation field. Yesterday will become historic in aviation because of the flights of Earle L. Ovington and Lieut Milling. But yesterday would have been a very successful day at the meet anyway, for aside from these important events there was some splendid flying by Grahame White, [[column cut off]]
[[end column 3]]
[[start column 4]]
[[short line across center of column]]
Best Wishes of Stone
to Ovington [[column cut off]]
[[end column 4]]
[[start column 5]]
[[short line across center of column]]
Aviator, Ovington. Prize, 1st $7500.
Started 11:10:28. Reached Nashua 12 m. Time, 49m 32s.
Left Nashua 1:24. Reached Worcester 2:09:35. Time, 45m 35s.
Left Worcester 3:22. Reached Providence 4:07:35. Time, 45m 35s.
Left Providence 5:03:54. Reached Field 5:49:34 1-5. Time. 45m 40 1-5s.
[[column cut off]]
[[end column 5]]
[[start column 6]]
50,000 CROWD
[[short line across center of column]]
Ovington Is Given a 
Great Reception [[column cut off]]
[[end column 6]]
[[start column 7]]
[[partial column, right edge cut off]]
Great Into[[?]]


There were[[?]]
business in[[?]]
as had occas[[?]]
found it conv[[?]]
where in the[[?]]
morning. the[[?]]
Globe's $10,0[[?]]
aeroplane [[?]]
practically [[?]]
buildings, [[?]]
aged to rea[[?]]

Viewed fr[[?]]
office buildin[[?]]
one for the[[?]]
could be see[[?]]
left the aer[[?]]
could be vie[[?]]
passed beyond[[?]]
Winchester, v[[?]]
chines melted[[?]]
lost to view[[?]]

It was with[[?]]
spectators a[[?]]
and then the [[?]]
trouble and [[?]]
the rooftops [[?]]
powerful glas[[?]]
both the [[?]]
the neighbo[[?]]

Ovington Tr[[?]]
Just before[[?]]
appear on [[?]]
Boston and [[?]]
that many[[?]]
points of va[[?]]
Chelsea, M[[?]]

For 15 mile[[?]]
those on [[?]]
pointing ar[[?]]
least of th[[?]]
discern the[[?]]
the way fro[[?]]
ward Boston[[?]]

At 11:17, it[[?]]
a monoplan[[?]]
rising to [[?]]
currents, and [[?]]
train speed.

Soon, to[[?]]
aviators and[[?]]
be seen that [[?]]
Ovington, and [[?]]
steady head[[?]]
He rode eas[[?]]
ingly was [[?]]
his craft st[[?]]
airship flew [[?]]
above him [[?]]

He was ap[[?]]
tion of [[?]]
harbor and [[?]]
toward the [[?]]
shrieking of [[?]]
whistles at [[?]]
distinctly he[[?]]
tops in the [[?]]
was seen to[[?]]

Long befo[[?]]
point, or [[?]]
o'clock, [[?]]
to seen [[?]] [[column cut off]]

Transcription Notes:
Seems identical to page 27