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He started out with the [[?determination]] to win the Globe prize, but because of trouble with his motor he was obliged to land about eight miles from the aviation field in Medford.

The prizes as originally planned were a first of $7500, a second of $1500 and a third of $1000, but as Ovington was the only man to complete the course he was awarded the entire $10,000 Globe contest prize. And he deserves it, for it was a wonderful flight, made without a hitch anywhere along the line and it stamps Earle L. Ovington as  one of the greatest aviators in the world.

Mrs Ovington Scans Route Map.

The progress of his flight was reported all along the line from telegraph stations into the committee tent on the field.  Chairman Charles J. Glidden reported them as fast as they were received, and the spectators were kept informed by megaphone.

But there was one little woman on the field who followed Earle L. Ovington's flight on a map, as it progressed, with more intense interest than anybody else on the field—Mrs Ovington, the wife of the aviator.

She stood near the big 70-horse Bleriot monoplane when it started from the field at 10 minutes past 11 in the forenoon, and she waved him a goodby with her handkerchief as he rose from the ground.

Then she followed him over the route on the maps as the reports were sent in until it was announced that her husband had been sighted from the Blue Hills, coming from Providence.  Then Mayor Fitzgerald and Hugh Bancroft took her to the middle of the getaway and stood her on a chair with a pair of powerful field glasses so she could get the first glimpse of her husband when he came into view.

She was the first person to see him, saying: "There's Ovie," as she pointed up into the sky over the Blue Hill observatory.

Sure enough, there he was, a mere speck against a light cloud—a speck that grew larger and larger in a few minutes.

Crowd Cheering Frantically.

Ovington was flying very high—about a mile high—as he did all through the flight, and he steered by compass.

Just as he was sighted, Tom Sopwith did a graceful thing.  He jumped into his big Bleriot monoplane, and taking Henry Wise Wood of the Aero club of America as a passenger, started off on a flight to meet Ovington and escort him to the field. 

Mrs Ovington, standing on the chair with the mayor on one side of her and Adj Hugh Bancroft on the other, first laughed, then blushed, and then—well, she had a struggle to keep back the tears as her husband loomed larger and larger in the sky and against the clouds to the south of the setting sun.

It was a wonderful sight as he volplaned from the altitude at which he was flying toward the field, with Sopwith almost directly under him and the great crowd cheering and cheering and frantically waving hats or anything they could lay their hands on.

And Ovington heard the shouts, for he was seen to wave his hands when he came over the grandstand at a hight of about 1000 feet, and as he circled the aerodrome several times before alighting he waved and waved his right hand at the cheering multitude below.

Congratulated as a Boston Boy.

Ovington alighted near the center of the getaway, and the mayor, with Mrs Ovington, were the first to greet him, the mayor saying: "I congratulate you, Ovington as a Boston boy and in behalf of the city of Boston for the splendid flight you have made today."

Ovington was holding his wife's outstretched hand while the mayor said these few words of congratulation and then after removing his leather helmit he leaned over and kissed her.  She looked the happiness she felt.

After this little touch of domestic felicity, which the crowd witnessed in silence, the mayor called for three cheers for the American aviator who had won the Globe $10,000 prize.  And the cheers were given with a [[?vim]]

Grahame-White was right behind the mayor and the first after the mayor and Mrs Ovington to shake the voctorious [[sic]]aviator's hand, closely followed by Ely, Beatty and the other aviators.

Then in spite of his protests the aviators lifted Ovington from his machine on their shoulders and started across the field toward the grandstand with 

[[?]] contest.  He had engine trouble soon after he started over the same course which Ovington flew and he was obliged to land at Medford, in the old Mystic driving track.

Atwood came back to the field with his father in an auto soon after, while his mechanicians repaired the engine.  They telephoned him when they had effected repairs and he started back in an auto to his machine, jumped into it and flew back to the aviation field.

Before he alighted, however, he gave a splendid exhibition of flying over the aerodrome for some 15 minutes.

Beatty was in the air with a passenger at the same time and Grahame-White in his big Nieuport monoplane was making an altitude flight.  It was a fine spectacle and the sun had set like a ball of fire when the aviators alighted.

Then came another thrill.  The progress of the plucky little signal corps lieutenant who had entered the biplane contest against Atwood in a Burgess-Wright machine had caused almost as much excitement as the progress of Ovington, especially among the army and navy men present.

They hoped and hoped that Lieut T. D. Milling would make the course and win the first prize.  He would be the first man in either wing of the service to have made such a flight.

Eager for News of Milling.

When it was reported that, like Stone and Atwood, Lieut Milling had been obliged to land on the first leg before he reached Lowell, there was something like gloom in the ranks of his friends, which was turned to joy later when it was learned that he was in the air again and headed for Nashua, N. H.  He lost his way and landed at Concord, Mass, to find out his course.

When Lieut Milling got to Nashua he got a great reception from the vast crowd there, a reception that was repeated four-fold when he arrived at Worcester, and later when he arrived at Providence.

He left the latter city at 5:58:33, about 12 seconds after Ovington crossed the finish line at Atlantic in the monoplane contest.

Then there was increasing excitement as the progress of the army aviator was reported by telegraph along the route from Providence.

It was getting dark and the contest committee ordered a big bonfire to be lighted in the center of the aviation field so the plucky little aviator could pilot himself safely to the field.  Bombs were also fired off and he saw these long before he saw the bonfire.

The sky was so clear that he could be seen as he came up on the western side of the Blue Hills, and it seemed only a few minutes from that moment when he was sighted when he was circling over the lighted aerodrome, and the crowd was cheering as before.

Then he alighted and Mayor Fitzgerald was the first to congratulate him.

Milling tore off a big rain coat he wore and tossed it to Charles J. Glidden saying:
"I borrowed that from some man in Providence, please see that he gets it."

Three Cheers for Army Aviator.

The major congratulated Lieut Milling and the U. S. army on his great flight.  He next called for three cheers, which were given by the crowd that surrounded the machine and caught up by the crowd on the grandstand that had waited for his arrival.

The aviators and army men then grabbed Milling and lifted him on their shoulders.  The crowd behind lighted roman candles and torches and with the cheering mayor at the head such a procession as was never seen before on an aviation field in this country was started.

The procession went once the same route as did Ovington's procession and pretty much the same scenes were enacted.  Only this was in the dusk with a big bonfire for a background.

Milling's Feat Appreciated.

Lieut Milling told his story to the newspaper men:  he was congratulated and congratulated, for it was felt that an army man had done a great thing at the Harvard-Boston meet.  He had won the greatest cross-country contest in biplanes that had ever been seen in this country, and he was pitted at the start against an aviator who has won an enviable reputation as a cross-country flyer.

The fortunes of aviation–or the [[?mis]] [[incomplete]]

In the [[?]] instance, Beatty and Sopwith were tied with a record of 10 3-5s.  A second attempt gave Sopwith the prize with a record of 9 4-5s.

In the bomb-dropping contest Sopwith beat Beatty by a small margin.  Sopwith also won the accuracy.

The figure 8 speed contest of 14 laps was one of the most interesting contests of the day.

It was won by Eugene V. Ely, but he was disqualified because he did not circle the course once after crossing the line the last time.

Grahame-White won the first prize of $300 with Sopwith second and Beatty third.  Grahame-White used his Nieuport monoplane and he went around the course at a terrific rate of speed, but he had to fly wide around the pylons and this was where Ely won out.  Ely could bank around a pylon closer than any of the contestants.  His time was 16m 50 3-5s, and Grahame-White's was 17m 19s.

Grahame-White also won first in the passenger-carrying speed contest of 12 laps–18 miles.  He got $300.  He did the course in 17 minutes 37 4-5 seconds.  Sopwith in his Bleriot monoplane, with a passenger–Denys Meyer of the Globe staff–did it in 19 minutes and 25 1-5 seconds.

Grahame-White was alone in the altitude speed contest.  He climbed 3000 feet in 5 minutes and 30 seconds, and got the first prize of $300.

It was a great day, and today should be a great day with a Boston light flight in which four monoplanes will be entered.

Old Habitues at Charlestown Were Astonished at Sight of Monoplane Speeding Swiftly.

The 800 inmates of the Charlestown state prison had a chance yesterday to see and wonder at the aviators, or at least one of them as he flew directly over the prison yard.  Work was suspended in the shops and the prisoners were given the morning in the yard.  They did not expect to witness the flight of an airship, however.

Warden Bridges was packing his grip preparatory to taking the train for Red Oaks lodge on the Belgrade lakes in Maine for the first vacation he has had in many months, when a Globe man asked him if he knew the airships might pass over the prison on the way to Nashua and if he was going to give the prisoners a chance to see the flight.

"Didn't know anything about it," replied Gen Bridges.

But he hurriedly finished getting his baggage ready and went out in the yard to give notice.  A hot baseball game was in progress between the two crack prison teams when the warden got into the yard.  All the prisoners were gathered about intent on the outcome.  Finally the ninth inning came.  The wwarden did not want to announce the coming of the airship until the game was finished.

About 11:15 the guard on the wall of the prison yard saw a monoplane coming at a high rate of speed through the air.  He signalled to Gen Bridges in the yard and he was the first to call the attention of the prisoners to the flying machine.  Every one of them craned their necks and looked into the air.

When the airship soared smoothly over the prison yard some of the older prisoners, who had never seen a trolley car or an automobile, stared with amazement.  They could scarcely believe that there was a man directing the little machine away up in the air.

Some of the younger prisoners who were more acquainted with modern wonders were more critical.

"Looks just like one of those south wing mosquitos," said one man.

"An automobile isn't in it with that," was the comment of another.

When the aeroplane was just over the prison yard, the prisoners in a body took off their hats and waved them in the air and gave three cheers for the man in the flying machine, whom they nicknamed "Jack."

The cheers must have been heard far outside the prison yard.  A moment later the bell rang and in 4 1/2 minutes the 800 men had formed in line and had marched into the prison, leaving the yard entirely deserted.  Warden Bridges said that often the yard is cleared quicker than that at the sound of the bell.

Being a holiday the prisoners were served with extras for dinner.

Bully Performance, the Comment of Sopwith.

What the aviators at Atlantic think of Ovington's great flight over the Globe course is told in the following interviews.  Stone expresses regret because of the accident which forced him out of the race and praises the work of the victor as do all other birdmen.

Stone Sorry He Could Not Finish the Race

Ovington has my best wishes.  He made a ride that I would have been proud of duplicating.  I am disappointed, not on account of the money, but because of losing the race.  I believed that I could beat him or I would never have been so confident.  I felt sure of victory.

My engine when I left the field was working beautifully and as I was holding perfectly to a compass course, I believe that I gained on Ovington, for I know that he lost his way as did Lieut Milling.  After passing over parts of Boston I began to smell gasoline and saw a little spray, but could not tell where it was coming from.  Soon the entire front of my sweater was saturated and I feared that it would reach the engine and my fate would be death by burning in midair.

I slowed down but could not locate the trouble and then was forced to bring my machine to the ground.  The landing was made all right and there was no damage done to the monoplane.  My manager, Dave Shafer, and other friends joined me after a time and was found that the spray came [[?]] piece of rubber tubing which goes between the copper feed pipes, the rubber being [[?sozed]] that vibration would not affect it.  It had not been properly wrapped by wire.  Who was responsible for the carelessness I don't know.  Unfortunately I did not get to the field until late, but as the machine appeared to be all right the night before I did not give it the examination I should have done.

We tried to get the engine going to fly back to the field, but it would not work.  The machine was then pushed to the road.  The running gear was broken a trifle, but will be in shape, I believe, for tomorrow's competition.  Ely landed on Moon Island on account of a leak in his radiator, while mine was in a feed pipe.  Mine was more expensive, however.

Grahame-White Praises Ovington

When I was asked what I thought of Ovington's victory I said, "Damn good flight," and I mean it.  He is entitled to all the credit that is coming to him.  He was after the money and he flew for it and won.  I suppose that we are all after it, but in my case not hard enough to take the chance.  Good luck to him."

Ely Protests for the Curtiss Flyer

After congratulating Ovington and Lieut Milling on their grand flying today I wish to state why I withdrew from the meet.  I consider that there has been unjust discrimination against me and in fact against the Curtiss flyers at the Atlantic meet.  Today I [[?w]] fairly and I protested against the [[?tion]] of the committee in claiming [[?that]] I didn't take the last turn.  Moreover there was nothing in the rules about it.

On being disqualified, Mr Nolan, manager of the Curtiss flyers, notified me to pack up immediately, and I did so.  It is probably the last time that Curtiss flyers will perform at Atlantic–at any [[?]] under the conditions that ruled this year, financial and otherwise.  I have found Mr Clafin to be personally a fine man and am not bitter against him.  Our troubles have been with the contest committee.

"A Bully Flight," Tom Sopwith Says

It was bully and I was glad to see an American win your Boston Globe prize.  I would have liked to have earned the honor, but the chances were too great for the money.  I wish Mr Ovington the very best of success and hope he will always do as well as he did today.

Hitchcock Considering a Plan That is Being Advocated by the Aero Club of America and New York.

WASHINGTON.  Sept 4–A plan is being considered by Postmaster General Hitchcock whereby experiments may be conducted in carrying mail matter by aeroplane.

The plan submitted by the Aero club of America and the Aero club of New York is for a test trip in connection with the aviation meet to be held on Long Island, Sept 23 to 29.  Former Lieut Gov Woodruff of New York, is coming to Washington this week to urge the approval of this plan.  It provides for a mail flight from the Brooklyn postoffice to the aviation field.

This first test will be used as an entering wedge with congress should it prove successful and the air men are optimistic.  An appropriation will be urged at the next session providing for an aero post on an hourly schedule between Philadelphia and New York.  The aeronautical reserve is backing this proposition.

Total time 5h 22m 37s.

Sopwith | 10 3-5s
Beatty | 10-3-5s

Second Attempt.
Sopwith | 9 4-5s | $150
Beatty | 10 s |       | $50
Ely | 11 1-5s

Sopwith | Average 15.4 | $150
Beatty | Average 16.2  |   | $150
Ely | Average 62.4

Sopwith | 31 ft | $150
Beatty | 318 ft  |   | $50

Ely, disqualified for not rounding the course at finish | 16 m 50 3-5s
Grahame-White | 17m 19s | $300
Sopwith | 22m 59s  |   | $150
Beatty | 23m 46s   |   |  $50

Aviator | (12 laps) | Prize 1st | Prize |  2nd  |  3rd  
Grahame-White | 17 m 27 4-5s | $300 |
Sopwith | 19m 25 1-5s |   | $150
Beatty | 29m 50 1-5s |   |  | $40 

Grahame-White | (3000 ft.) 5m 30 s | $300

He Establishes New Altitude Record.
Hight of Over Two Miles Is Attained in France.
Ascent at Parame Breaks World Flying Mark.

PARAME, France, Sept 4–Roland G. Garros, the French aviator, today broke the world's record for altitude in an aeroplane.  He ascended 4250 metres (13,943 feet).

Condemned Murderers at Sing Sing Given an Entertainment.

OSSINING, N Y, Sept 4–Fourteen condemned murderers, awaiting in their cells in the death house of Sing Sing prisons the summons to the electric chair, today heartily enjoyed a concert, the first ever given in the grim section in which they are confined.  The innovation was the idea of Warden Kennedy.

No work was done in the prison today, and to make the day different from the routine the warden had a quartet of singers and a violinist give concerts in four parts of the huge building, so that every prisoner could hear the music.

Crush Breaks Down Fence at Narragansett Park.

PROVIDENCE, R I, Sept 4–The Labor day aviation meet, as far as the Providence leg counted, was a big success.  Providence had never seen a flying machine in motion and keen interest was taken in the coming of the birdmen.

At Narragansett park, where the birdmen made a brief stop, fully 50,000 people were within or just out of the big enclosure, more than one-half being inside before Ovington arrived.  Then there was a cave-in of a part of the fence and everybody got on board.

The approach of the aviators was announced by frequent bulletins wired to the judges' stand and megaphoned to the crowd, so that all were on the qui vive for Ovington, who was in the van.

Word that he was passing over Woonsocket, 19 miles distant, and flying like a swift bird, had hardly been announced when in the north, far up in the clouds, was seen a speck which rapidly took shape.  It was Ovington in his Bleriot monoplane.

Like a speeding dart Ovington came on.  He was at a hight of 3000 feet and appeared to be about to pass the park despite smoke bombs sent up to mark his path.  Suddenly, however, he made a tip, swooping down like a big bird and bringing his machine directly in the center of the inclosure.  With one little bump he rolled a few feet and stopped.

Ovington made the 44 miles in 46 minutes, his departure and arriving times being 3:22 and 4:08.

Ovington got a great ovation from the big crowd which cheered and then made a break for the machine.  Ovington waved a response to the hearty greeting and was then escorted to the official headquarters by Frederick Roy Martin of the Providence Journal, chairman of reception committee.  At headquarters he met Gov Aram J. Pothier, who extended his warmest congratulations.

Ovington said he sailed 5000 feet high on an average and that the air was extremely cold.

At 5:04 he started for Boston and the Globe's big prize.

Fifteen minutes later Lieut Milling, USA, who was driving a Burgess-Wright biplane, alighted at the park.  He was so numb with cold that he could hardly get out of his seat.  The greeting extended to him was unusually enthusiastic.  He was taken by the arms by Mr Marten and manager Wandless and taken to the club house.  This got his blood in circulation and hot coffee and vigorous rubbing did the rest.

Milling was anxious to be off before dark and, after receiving the best wishes of Gov Pothier, at 6 o'clock he started on the last leg.

Ovington circled the course once and then swept away over Narragansett bay and up the valley via East Providence.

Milling made three beautiful turns and, attaining the high altitude he sought, sailed away to the northeast, following closely Ovington's course.  Milling's average hight from Worcester to Providence was 3000 feet.

Accepts Auburn, Me, Call.

CHICAGO, Sept 4–Rev R. F. Johonnot, 18 years pastor of Unity church, Oak park, who, with his wife has spent the summer in New Hampshire, has accepted a call to the First Universalist church of Auburn, Me.  Dr Johonnot resigned his pastorate at Oak park a year ago to rest and seek new fields.

Red Men Have Outing.

BRIDGEWATER.  Sept 4–The annual field day of Nippenicket tribe of Red men of this town took place this afternoon and evening at lake Nippenicket.  The general committee comprised of B. F. Ellis, Edward Bazinet, William Marshall, John Frawley, William Coleman, Warren Atkinson and Charles Rhoades.

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Transcription Notes:
last column of text cut off