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vested in a board of twenty-four elected trustees, and the following persons who shall be ex officio members: the civilian head of the United States Air Force; the military head of the United States Air Force and his immediate predecessor; and the military head of the United States Air Force Academy.

Section 2.  Election of trustees shall be by ballot at the annual meeting of active members of the Air Force Historical Foundation under rules established in the bylaws.  Each member of the Air Force Historical Foundation shall have power to cast his vote for members of the Board of Trustees.

Section 3.  Elected members of the Board of Trustees shall serve for a four-year term, except that in the election of the first board lots shall be cast and the first six trustees selected shall serve for one year; the next six selected shall serve for two years; the next six selected shall serve for three years; and the remaining six shall serve the full four-year term.  Vacancies caused by the expiration of the term of any trustee shall be filled by election or reelection of a trustee for a full four-year term at the first regular annual meeting after the vacancy occurs.

Section 4.  The Board of Trustees may declare vacant the place of any trustee who refuses to serve or who is guilty of misfeasance or malfeasance in office, and shall have authority to fill vacancies in their own number (caused by death, resignation, or for any other reason) until the next regular annual election of trustees, at which time the members of the Air Force Historical Foundation shall elect trustees to serve the balance of the terms so vacated.  An elected trustee who attends no meetings of the board during a four-year term shall be ineligible for reelection.

Section 5.  The Board of Trustees so chosen shall control all buildings, funds, securities, papers, and properties of all kinds, including historical collections, belonging to the Air Force Historical Foundation; shall control the collection and disbursement of funds; and shall direct the affairs of the