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classified as a life member; or aggregating one thousand dollars but less than five thousand dollars in a five-year period shall be classified as a patron, and an individual so contributing shall be classified as a life member. When a member is classified as a life member, he shall thereafter be free from the payment of annual contributions. Individuals making annual contributions of one hundred dollars shall be classified as contributing members; those making annual contributions of ten dollars shall be classified as annual members.


Section 1. The government of the Foundation shall be vested in a Board of Trustees composed of ex officio members and twenty-four members to be chosen by ballot at an annual meeting and elected to serve a term of four years, except initially as provided in the Constitution.

Section 2. All voting for members of the Board of Trustees shall be by ballot. A slate of nominees consisting of at least two names for each vacancy, shall be proposed by a nominating committee of not less than three members appointed by the President, none of whom shall be members of the Board of Trustees, and such nominations shall be submitted to the Secretary at least three months prior to the annual meeting. All members of the Foundation shall have the right to vote, and ballots containing the list of nominees shall be mailed to them by the Secretary at least two months in advance of the annual meeting. In the event a member is not able to attend the annual meeting, he may cast his ballot by mail.

Section 3. As soon as may be after the annual meeting, the members of the Board of Trustees shall meet for the purpose of electing officers provided in the Constitution. At least one month in advance of the election, the President